Do I Look Fat in This Attitude? - It's Never Too Late to Have a Positive Attitude

       By: Jeanette Szwec
Posted: 2008-09-02 23:53:53
Let me ask you a question. Please try to answer this question with total honesty. If you met yourself on the street today, would you want to talk to yourself? What would you think about yourself?Pretend you were waiting at a doctor's office and YOU walked into the room and sat next to you. How would you feel? What vibe would you be picking up from YOU? Would you feel joy, happiness, peacefulness, or would you feel hostility or anger?Take a look at YOU . Are you smiling or frowning? Are your arms crossed in a defensive position? Are your eyes soft and open for contact? Do you like what you are seeing?Everyday you give off these vibes. They are a combination of your subconscious body language and a projection of the thoughts going through your mind. Yes, your thoughts can be seen. If you are supremely happy, it shows. If you are miserable, it shows. Your thoughts are powerful, and they affect how you are perceived. People can tell if you have a positive attitude.Think of a 2-year old child. They might not have well developed language skills, but you quickly know if they are happy or sad. As we get older, we might not be quite that transparent, but our face and body certainly reflect the thoughts going through our minds. Try right now to smile and feel miserable. Try to laugh and feel sad. It can not be done. If you are really miserable, try putting a smile on your face and the miserable thoughts will gradually lighten.So take a minute now and listen to your thoughts. Now tell me, what thoughts fill your head? Would you label them as positive, or negative? If you were walking down the street with these thoughts and met someone, do you think he would be able to tell you what is on your mind? The answer to the first question is up to you. But, the answer to the second question can be pretty surprising. Although people will not be able to tell exactly what you think, they will more or less have an idea of how you are feeling.Here's another question. When you enter a room filled with friends, do they all fall silent as if something terrible had happened? Or does everybody there perk up as if waiting for something exciting to happen? That answer also depends on you and on your frame of mind. What effect are you having on the people around you? Your attitude affects people around you. If you have positive thoughts, people around you will feel energized. They will benefit from your positive energy.On the other hand, if you are filled with negative thoughts, you will have a de-energizing affect on the people around you. Negative thoughts drain energy from other people. A positive attitude attracts people, while a negative attitude repels them. People tend to shy away from those who carry a negative attitude.You have everything to gain by adopting a healthy, positive attitude. Studies show that a positive attitude actually slows aging, improves health, reduces stress, and has a very positive effect on all the people you meet every day. It is never too late to develop a positive attitude. Start today.Jeanette Szwec, CEO of Serenity Marketing Corp, is an expert in training others to take control of their thoughts to guarantee success in all areas of life - from personal health, recovery from addictions, career success, to relationships. Her newsletters integrate findings from the Law of attraction, positive thinking, and harnessing the power of your mind. Pick up a FREE bonus book, "As A Man Thinketh"
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