5 Ways Negative People Can Be Dangerous to Your Life

       By: Daniel Hinds
Posted: 2008-09-02 01:58:29
Everyone at some point in time will have the misfortune of dealing with negative people. The best way of dealing with such people is to learn to incase yourself in a PSYCHIC SHIELD.
Let's face it there are more negative people than there are positive people in this life. The good thing to know is that not everyone who is negative remains this way. Sometimes hard times can make a person become quite negative and gloomy. But there are dangers to your well being when you remain in the company of highly negative people.Black HolesWhen a person is incredibly negative they lose their vital life force energy. Negative thoughts have a particular tone and quality, a very low vibration which is destructive to the body and environment. People who consistently create negative thoughts put a drain on their body and their mind which leaves holes in their spiritual aura. The more then continue to induce in negative thoughts and emotions the more this negative energy shreds their all important aura.Transfer of EnergyWhen a person has holes in their aura they are always in desperate need to fill those holes with more energy. Unfortunately because they don't understand the nature of their thoughts and the effects it has on their physical body they don't know how to repair or fill that need for more energy. What happens then is a sucking effect, a transfer of energy from you to them. You may find yourself getting very tired or depressed when you are in the company of highly negative people.Physical and Mental Illness are EminentWhen you are low on energy it prevents your mind from working effectively. Energy is vital to the health and function of the human body and mind. When that energy is being drawn from you by the negative people in your life it prevents your body from healing when you are ill and it also affects your mental well being. As people awaken to the spiritual and metaphysical teachings they lack of energy is the core issue with many human problems.Dream KillersIt's not enough that you are losing your much needed energy when you are surrounded by those who are intensely negative people but they also lock your mind into the dark dismal reality that they are creating. It can seem extremely hard to get out of that sort of energy and before you know it your life is a horrible mess and you are as negative as they are. You begin to attract one bad event after another because your own aura is now tainted. All your goals go down the drain because you have little energy to manifest what you desire.Locked into a Bad RealityHave you ever seen a young person, mostly teens who started out being happy and full of potential but got lost in a group of friends who were destined to create mayhem in their lives and everyone else's life? At a distance you could see all the beautiful light and possibilities has been sucked out of that person's life and you can map out the outcome of their life.This is even worst when you see much older people in their 50's and 60's telling stories of how hard their life was because of some horrible person in their life who sucked the life and beauty out of their youth. It's a sad story to see but it's all too common. The only way to prevent this is to learn to create a Psychic Shield which blocks out those negative energies from holding you back from the negative people who enter your life.Want to learn how to protect yourself from negative psychic energy? http://www.thepsychicshield.com Learn why protecting yourself from negative energy is one of the most important things you could do to attracting your desires.
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