7 Things You Can to Do Steam Into Action

       By: Diane Cossie
Posted: 2008-08-13 08:10:48
If you are anything like me, you will love Mondays! Mondays to me are like a New Years Day every week, I start each and every week planning ahead and setting some mini goals, which are small sections of the overall action plan that takes me at least one step towards my goal.Here are 7 things you can do this week to make sure you start to implement those all important small changes that are essential to reaching your goals.1. Read a book (even if you have read it before) that Inspires you to do something different. By feeding the mind with something positive, you will automatically find that your body responds positively by taking action.2. Join a gym! If part of your overall goal is to have a fitter, healthier body then make a commitment to yourself and join a gym. A good gym will cost less than one meal out per month and a trainer will equip you with a workout that suits you and your long term fitness goals.3. Change the word Why in your vocabulary to the word How instead. All too often I hear people saying things like Why Oh Why Does it Always Happen to Me, it becomes a totally different sentence when you say How Did I Let This Happen To Me Again? Empowering!Ask for sauce on the side, or swap an item on the menu for a lower fat version at a restaurant. In the UK we seem hell bent on:Firstly : eating EVERYTHING on the plate (you pay for a meal whether you eat it or not ) Second: why not ask for what you want, and that is to control exactly what type of food you prefer to eat. Be more assertive and ask for a healthy choice next time.5. Write a business idea down on a notepad and start a journal with the idea. If you can sketch a basic business idea down on a piece of paper the size of a small envelope then it will not be too complicated to put into action. First get the inspiration down in a tangible format, then go to work on the strategy.6. Be nice to the waitress, shop assistant, sales person, taxi drive, bus driver or whoever it is you meet on your way to and from work every day. Your job tomorrow is to make THEIR day by being pleasant!7. Stay calm when driving for the whole week! Road rage is SUCH a waste of energy for everyone concerned, no matter how bad the driver in front actually is, concentrate on working on your business idea instead, you will stay calmer, more in control and use those brain cells for something more positive instead.Trying to incorporate Goal Setting into your life all at once can cause you to feel overwhelmed, or frustrated at the pace of progress, but by focusing on making positive switches every week, you will soon find you have more time and more energy than you ever thought possible to really start to make those changes happen.Diane Cossie lives and breathes goal setting, goal getting, motivation and action for a living. Making common sense a little more common place means that you will always find something to inspire at http://www.dianecossie.com
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