The Most Powerful Offers in Web Marketing

       By: Robert Speyer
Posted: 2008-07-12 08:53:43
Everyone likes special offers, particularly in an economic downturn. Web surfers are no different. Ideally special offers will get you more click-throughs and/or opt-ins. However, choosing the right offer can be a challenge.Questions to Ask YourselfIs your offer really an offer? Does it have a perceived value and is it credible? Will it answer a need or provide a solution? Is it attention grabbing?Phrasing is a key factor in the success of your offer. First off, think simple. Remember, most surfers are being sold to constantly, which means that your offer must stand tall against the rest. Your content must capture the viewer's attention in a just few words, otherwise you run the risk of losing their interest.For example, let's say that you own a credit repair company. You want to offer a Free Report entitled 10 Ways to Get Out of Debt. Upon first look, this may seem to be a good offer. But the reality is that it would work better as a resource or blog article. A free report is supposed to offer something more than the average article on the web. Instead of re-writing the report, a simple title change to Debt FREE Starter Kit can help drive more traffic and capture more information than the former one. This is because the viewer perception changes from a general tip article to a package deal that contains various items to help someone get started on solving his or her problems. Now you have the added benefit of getting familiar with the potential client and, hopefully, he or she will take a leap forward and sign up for one of your services. Right away the title has value, provides a solution and will most certainly grab the attention of people in debt.The Most Powerful Word in AdvertisingWhen the word "Free" appears on a webpage, eyeballs instantly widen and attention captured. This is because we all have been conditioned over the years to buy smart and get the best possible deal. Consumers cannot resist FREE, because it is the best deal available. "Free" in essence is the most powerful word in marketing. When you strategically link the word "free" with "Report," Offer" or "30-day Trial," web surfers will be drawn to your website. Other hot button words to use are "Special Offer," "Introductory Special," and "Limited Time Offer" as well as guarantees.When developing a marketing strategy for your special offers and free reports, keep in mind that you are offering something worthy of being downloaded and kept. The idea is to generate traffic, increase sales and turn your business into a web success. Therefore, you want to grab as many viewers as possible and leave them wanting more.TeamWork Builds Web SuccessThe specializes in building and marketing direct response websites that take full advantage of the latest developments on the Internet. The Team has an arsenal of effective web strategies, online tools and proven techniques to promote your products and services. And we'll show you ways to increase the amount of qualified traffic to your site through the expanding "social web" and how to convert visitors into buyers at a high rate of return.Your website can become an effective marketing hub for your business. To learn more about the power of Direct Response Web Marketing, log on to the Team today for a complimentary consultation to your web success!
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