How to Crumple Up Your Last Pack of Cigarettes and Never Light Up Again!

       By: David Roppo
Posted: 2008-06-23 05:17:31
What is a smoking addiction?A smoking addiction means a person has formed an uncontrollable dependence on cigarettes to the point where stopping causes emotional distress!Why is smoking more difficult to overcome than other addictions?Well, some proponents of the addiction disease model would have you believe that it is directly related to the chemical dependency effects nicotine has on the brain.It is true that nicotine is a psychoactive drug with stimulant effects on the electrical activity of the brain. And, it also has a calming effect, especially at times of stress. But that's not the reason that it is more difficult to overcome for most. You see, out of all addictions smoking is a habit that for the most part has been socially acceptable. In other words, one does not have to hide to have a cigarette! This fact alone makes it more difficult to overcome.However, the key is to realize that nicotine does have a calming effect on the the mind. As with all addictions smoking merely diverts people from their emotional pain! While everyday stresses can exacerbate the situation they are not the main cause of the emotional pain that needs to be calmed. Generally, underlying emotional trauma caused by family dysfunction is at the root of the addiction. This emotional trauma batters the self-esteem and self-confidence levels which lessens the ability to cope with everyday stresses.So, if you want to crumple up your last pack and walk away forever, you need to get to the bottom of the emotional pain and anxiety that provokes you to calm it by smoking.Take a moment to ask yourself a couple of questions; What has caused the anxiety that you need to calm with smoking, and why does smoking make you feel better?Quit Smoking Today! Subscribe to my Free E-Guide "The Square Root of Addiction!"How to beat Smoking AddictionBest Wishes,David RoppoAddiction coach
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