Is Meditation to Relieve Stress a Realistic Goal? Read on to Find Out!

       By: Tina Bardo
Posted: 2008-06-12 07:51:06
One of biggest reasons that people begin a meditation practice is to relieve stress. Simply stated, I can't think of another more powerful way to alleviate the deleterious effects of a high tension lifestyle than to sink into the secret Samadhi that the meditative mind provides. The following 3 points should help you understand a bit more fully the phenomenal set of benefits that meditation provides it's adherents. And I for one am eternally grateful for having started. Read on..:-)You are NOT who you think you are..:-)One of the most profound awakenings that meditators have is the awareness of themselves from OUTSIDE of themselves. What does this mean? Well, it's hard to explain, but it's called the "witness". You can observe yourself from a distance, which allows you to contemplate your place in a larger, grander and more profound fabric than that of your daily existence. This leads us to point #2, which is:A Lifetime of Psychotherapy in one breathThere is an incredible curative power in seeing yourself from a new perspective. I don't quite want to sing the praises of an out of body experience as a mechanism for self improvement, but I will tell you that it shed an incredibly powerful light on the smallness of our own issues. From the outside looking in, our little insecurities, worries, fears and concerns seem to melt away in the broad expanse of a big mind perspective.Last but not LeastMeditation feels AWESOME! The indescribable bliss body that you become in profound altered states of consciousness are the most ALIVE you will ever feel...and they are available on command. Even for the simple endorphin junkies alone, this is a great reason to get started now.And of course there is SO much more....More that lies possible in YOUR life if you only open yourself up to the possibilities. You don't need to read the SECRET to really discover the secret...just start by opening your mind, awareness and ride the supernatural surfboard into the wild, wacky and wonderful world of the unknown..:-) You will NOT regret it, I promise!Who Else Wants to Experience Radical Inner Peace & Magnificent Well Being?Read discover how to experience blissful meditation quickly, easily and magically even if you are a complete novice and have no idea what you are doing!
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