Top Ten Tips on Living on a Shoe String

       By: Sheetal Ahlawat
Posted: 2008-05-20 07:54:50
So you are spending sleepless nights worrying about your expenses? Here is the solution to your tensions.1. Dump that credit card. I don't have one, and still I am living a quite happy life without it. Credit card only makes you to spend more money, because you are not seeing any hard cash going out of your pocket. It gets you to spend more than your income, then you buy another card to pay off the bills of the previous one and the vicious circle starts.2. Don't spend more than what you earn.Easier said than done? You don't have to curb your interests or hobbies for that. Just be a little judicious in spending bucks on latest gadgets and gizmos.3. Make a budget.Actually that should be on top of your to-do list. Making a budget let's you see gravity of the situation, as well as the areas, where you are overspending.4. Make a list before shopping.Making a list won't increase money in your budget, but sticking to it, will. Most of the time we buy items, which we don't need, but either they are on sale or on heavy discounts, so we are tempted to buy them. Trick here is, not to give in to that temptation.5. Learn to cook mouth watering dishes at home, once in while burger treats at MacDonald's is okay, though.6. Find alternate way for your hobbies.As I said earlier, living on a small budget doesn't mean to put a stop on your hobbies. You must have read, "Where there is a will there is a way. So make way for yourself. You are a health freak ( enthusiast :)), why waste money on a treadmill, when you can enjoy running outside, in the lap of nature, with birds chirping, sun shining, and cool breeze gently caressing you. If you are a bookworm, there is no better way to feed your book hunger than to join your local library. This way you won't have to buy subscription of your favorite magazines or newspapers.7. Invest in a cycle, if you live in a small city or town. Try sharing a carpool, if you have to go long distance for your job.8. Keep tab on your monthly finances through bank statement.9. Try charity shops.They store good material at throw away prices. You get clothes, household products, toys, books, gadgets at these shops.10. Be on a look out for sales or discounts on various household items.I usually go late in the evening for grocery shopping, because by that time the store staff already clips reduced price tag on different items. You won't find anything wrong with the products, but their expiry date might be near and the store wants to get rid of such items, so you stand benefited.
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