Pizza Delivery Man or Insurance Salesperson? Unknown Secret Tips Close More Sales

       By: Donald Yerke
Posted: 2008-04-23 05:02:21
This article is only for insurance salespeople that can dare to do the extraordinary. Why break the "proven" sales presentation rules? The only proven rule, proves that only 6 out of 100 agents recruited will successfully survive four years. If you sell like you are trained to sell, your income is comparatively similar to fellow agents of your experience. This income level is rarely near or above the national median income level.It is not suggesting you immediate switch your career to that of a pizza delivery man. You are going to learn a secret trick that less than a fraction of 1% of insurance salespeople have even discovered even existed. If you are not interested in pumping up your sales volume and increasing your sales ratio, read no further. This is one of the shrewdest secret tricks that few experienced top notch insurance salespeople have heard of.First you must clear your mind of ordinary sales presentation techniques. Here's the secret revealed. You combine being a pizza delivery person with being an insurance salesperson. What? Yes. If you want to skyrocket your appointment closing ratio you must spend about $8.00 to $12.00 to make hundreds and hundreds more. This will work on any appointment after 4:00 with any prospective client between the ages of 18 and 88. The product you are proposing does not matter. Another sideline tip: check your health if you apply this secret more than once a day.Here's how the scenario plays out. You have an evening appointment at 6 o'clock. It's following a lead on a newly married couple considering life insurance. A half hour prior to your appointment you contact a pizza store nearby your client's house to order a large pizza with pepperoni and cheese only, and to pick up. You retrieve the large $10.00 pizza and head to your client's door. Another tip is to leave the tie and jumbo briefcase in the car. Knock on the door carrying only the pizza and a pocketed binder.Your prospective clients open the door with an amazed and puzzled look. They didn't order a pizza. You explain, "I've been very busy all day, and I hope you don't mind sharing this pizza with me." You hand one your card. "Can I come in, and maybe we can sit by the table." Everyone has room for a slice of hot pizza, and the leftovers will make a good snack for tomorrow. Your prospects see salespeople everywhere, but never one demonstrating your unique approach.Implementing this secret weapon, you have completely controlled the situation. First you demolished that glaring "caution salesperson, going to push me to try to buy" sign. Next you have demonstrated that you are a good guy, you spend money out of your own pocket without requiring a commitment to buy. Third, you didn't get seated awkwardly in a living room, but at the prime location, the family table (the selling hub). Another tip is only eat One piece of pizza, this gives you time to warm up your clients with a few compliments.Using the magic pizza secret recipe provides you two additional tips. If the prospects turned away the pizza offer completely, make an excuse to leave. Believe me, these are not true prospects, but shoppers, or I want to think to over time wasters. Also this method will reveal if any people in the household can't eat pizza because of a health condition. You can then determine if they are still a prospect, plus ask some additional health qualifying questions before you begin your sales presentation.Satisfy your hunger and income upgrade all in one easy to learn stride.Don Yerke is the marketing adviser at Agents Insurance Marketing USA, Inc. with a 150 page website at We are the premier direct marketing firm for providing refined lists of Department of Insurance agent names. Tips, secrets, advice, and intense research make this web site unique.The site is crammed with articles benefiting insurance agents, marketers, recruiters and sales letter writers. All of our information is Free. Even our enormous listing of power words and power word phrases is the largest on the internet, designed to assist writers and speakers of all sorts for free.
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