Conscious Link Of Creativity To Spirituality - 9 Tips To Increase The Connection

       By: Jeanne Ripley
Posted: 2008-03-19 08:59:55
We are all creative. Spirit creates us, therefore, the connection is already there. It was there from our beginning. Many of us have awareness that our connection was erased, or at least blurred, by the opinions and actions of significant people in our lives. How do we reconnect?Have you had an experience of a teacher or parent telling you that a childhood creation of yours was wrong: red when it should be green or brown, messy when it should be neat, just not good enough? An experience like this can turn you away from your innate creativity. We may turn to jobs that we are expected to do to earn income or status.It is common for people to return to a passion they once had, after a period of personal growth, an illness, or during retirement. Our passion seems to return from our going within ourselves to uncover who we really are. We remember things we loved to do and would sometimes get lost in this activity. Others may have recognized our talent, but not necessarily so.In some form, however we choose, we need to invite our spiritual muse back into our life. It has been helpful for me to acknowledge that I need guidance and assistance.Here are nine tips to help you connect:*Spend five minutes every morning and evening to go within. Be still, silence your phone.*Do your best to stop thinking: play music with the sounds of nature or focus on your breath.*Try an activity that feels self-nurturing, something that feeds your spirit: a walk outside, giving something to someone who needs help.*Start a journal to write about events, people or words that surprised you in how they happened just when you really needed them.*Notice how you feel when you recognize that something great has just happened to you.*Let that feeling build some energy within you.*Spend a few moments to express gratitude, out loud or in silence, for the event and the feeling that came with it.*Celebrate that experience, however small and share it with a friend or post a big smile in your journal. Say, Yes!*Silently or out loud invite your inner guide, your spirit, to assist you.Write your answers to these questions:*What do I feel deeply about?*What moves me, emotionally?*What do I deny myself right now that I would like to do some other time?*Who, in my life, was most significant to me? Why?*Does my heart need to be heard?I struggled with my writing for many years. When I release that struggle: write down dreams or words that wake me in the night, invite Spirit to assist me when I feel stuck, or remember that words are not just my words; writing became more fun.Creating with a purpose in mind or just for the sheer joy of the creative process is equally rewarding. And, to do this, it is essential to give ourselves the experiences that nourish us, feed our curiosity, excite us and make us feel alive. Give yourself more playtime. Smile.
D. Jeanne Ripley has been writing since high school. She has always loved words and language but has not sought publication until recently. She currently works part-time as a nurse and has recently completed a manuscript of poetry that has a personal growth focus. The poetry is a companion work to fine art photography done by Joanne Chilton. Wings to Fly is expected to be released in early May, 2008.
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