How to Get in Golf Shape - Part 4

       By: Benjamin R. Ehinger
Posted: 2008-03-06 05:28:24
Now we are ready to move onto the Initial Takeaway. This is a very important part of the golf swing because if you mess this up it is next to impossible to get your swing back on track. The first 18 inches to 2 feet can very well determine the type of swing you will have.The takeaway is what sets in motion the sequence of events that will allow you to deliver the club to the ball in the way that you need to in order to produce the shot you want. You should be letting your upper back and shoulder muscles initiate the takeaway and not your arms.The first exercise to help with the initial takeaway is the seated hand to floor reach. You are going to sit in the upward position that you would be in if you just did a sit up. While maintaining this position stretch your arms straight out and rotate them to one side until you touch the ground. Then, rotate back to the other side. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions for 3 sets.The second exercise to help with the initial takeaway is Lat pulls. These can be performed at your local gym with a pulley machine. Ask a trainer to direct you to the lat pull machine and they will be able to show you the proper way to perform this exercise in about a minute or so.The final exercise to help with the initial takeaway is the overhead should weighted stretch. You will need dumbbells for this exercise. Start with the dumbbells in your hands and at your sides. Next, raise them all the way to above your head while keeping your arms straight. Do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions with this exercise.Now you have exercises to work the muscles that you use for your setup and for the initial takeaway. These are very important parts of the golf swing and you should exercise these muscles regularly.If this article series has helped you please send it to your friends by using the link above in the right hand corner. Share this article with three friends and go to the following link to claim the first move of "The New Four Magic Moves to Winning at Golf" and a FREE Golf Tips Ebook. Lower your Handicap by sharing this with your friends above. Get your FREE gifts here:
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