The Grease That Keeps The Wheels Of Society Running

       By: Steve J Carter
Posted: 2008-02-07 06:20:46
There is one phrase that almost universally means lets talk this thing through. And that phrase is "let's have a cup of coffee". It is very easy to overlook how much coffee is the grease that keeps society running but in almost every part of social life, coffee is the key to people relaxing, getting to know each other and possibly resolving issues if that is needed.This function of coffee in society is never more evident than in the business world. In just about any business from the huge investment firms to that "mom and pop" tax service or dentist office, the one consistent thing you will see when you walk in the office the first thing in the morning is a pot of coffee brewing somewhere.Coffee is evident at just about any important business event from the merger of conglomerates to a couple coworkers sitting down to work out a problem. It is almost impossible to imagine any kind of business meeting getting underway without coffee somewhere in the room. The social acceptance of coffee as a social stimulant is so well entrenched that no matter how formal or important the business meeting, there is a natural acceptance that anyone at any time can get up and get themselves more coffee.Coffee is just as much a deeply integrated part of family life so much so that many married couples would not even consider starting their day without a cup of coffee together. In that way coffee opens up communications between people which leads to better relationships. Marriages are stronger, friendships are better and business deals happen because everyone in the room has that common denominator of coffee which works its magic to get people talking.There is no secret to the secret ingredient in coffee that makes it such a social lubricant. It's the caffeine. Now, medical science comes and goes on whether caffeine is a poison causing tremendous damage or a wonder drug that does good for the body and the mind. But the business community has no question about the value of coffee and caffeine on workers and management alike. It is so well known that coffee keeps people working, quiets the nerves and opens up communication that most businesses provide coffee to their employees at no charge because of the huge productivity gains they see.The same benefit that business sees in coffee is clearly a big value in the social world as well. It is no accident that the sudden explosion of coffee shops around the country and around the world demonstrate the power of coffee for creating a fun or intimate social setting. Many a romance grew deeper over a steaming espresso or cappuccino at Starbucks or one of the dozens of similar coffee shops that have all but replaced the local pub as the place to meet and enjoy friendship with others.There is little doubt that coffee has become the key to social interaction in all aspects of life. From the home to the office and to those times of being with friends, you could almost say that if you see people gathering anywhere, there will probably be coffee not far away.If you are interested in learning more about whole bean coffee then visit us at
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