The Power Of Gratitude

       By: Ananda Mcintosh
Posted: 2008-01-01 03:42:52
Creating is a flowing cycle of "giving and receiving." Giving thanks sends an invitation for more flow to come into your life. Giving thanks generates a feeling of worthiness and worthiness opens the final door to receiving.The concept of thankfulness suggests a "state of completion." The subconscious mind does not know about time, giving thanks for any passionate dream tells the subconscious mind that the passionate dream is here NOW.When we thank someone for something in our day-to-day life, such as when we receive a gift, it is usually because we have possession of the gift NOW.This flow of receiving, followed by thankfulness is already a program that exists in our subconscious mind. Stimulating this existing program greatly accelerates the speed of manifestation of the passionate dreams we are giving thought to.Giving thanks also generates a feeling of worthiness, since to accept something with thanks suggests that we are worthy to receive it.Here's the proof: Notice how most people readily accept small gifts but have great difficulty accepting something large unless there is some form of payment connected to it. How often have we heard, "I couldn't possibly accept this... it's just too much?" This is a state of mind that feels unworthy.Another example has to do with the needful feeling to return a gift to someone who has given us a gift. This feeling is so common that we believe its normal. Yet worthiness means, in part that we are able to receive from any source because we are always giving. The needful feeling to give back to someone who has given to us is actually a sense of unworthiness. We may in fact do so in the course of a giving attitude but not as a result of a need to when we have an attitude of worthiness.When we give constant thanks for EVERYTHING we desire to create, we are telling the subconscious mind that we are worthy to receive it and that it is here NOW. This program of worthiness opens the final door to receiving Our Dreams Come True.By: Ananda and John McIntoshJohn & Ananda McIntosh are authors and teachers of A Course in Miracles and The Law of Attraction. The couple has ten published books to date related to these subjects and over 40 years of experience applying the principles they teach. To find links to their writings, books and Podcasts go to their web site:
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