Human Resources Resume

       By: Jay Tokarz
Posted: 2007-10-30 05:57:02
If you are looking for a career in Human Resources than you will want to put together a resume that tells the employer exactly what you have to offer. Showcase your resume by starting off with a cover letter that is specific to the position in which you are applying for. Enclose this letter with your resume so that your communication comes across as professional and responsible.Make sure to use the same paper and font for both the resume and the corresponding cover letter. Always remember to spell check and even have someone else proof read your resume for accuracy and hidden errors. This is only a one shot deal and you never get a second chance to make a first impression.By personally signing the cover letter and handwriting essential information on the envelope adds a personal and sincere touch. A career in the Human Resource field is an exciting and one and surely you have had the schooling and experience to prove that you are a team player and someone that any company would love to have on board.When writing your resume for your Human Resource position, be sure to include your name, address, phone, email and any other applicable personal information that will be beneficial in the call back process. It is best that this area of contact information is located at the top of the page. Front and Center. You do not want the employer to strain to read your name, so it is a good idea to have this area be in the largest sized font of the entire resume.Remember, be brief, don't put too much personal information on the top of your resume, but make sure you have enough options available so that the employer can easily call you back. This is the most important section as this is where your contact information can be found.Next, you will be adding a paragraph that will give a general overview of your qualifications and what you are looking to achieve in the Human Resource field. Be sure to accentuate on Key words related to your field such as management, working relationships, staffing, leadership skills, sales and marketing, team leader, knowledge, experience, and corporate. Being able to take some of those key words and blending them into a brief but crisp overview is essential in creating a good resume. Here are a few samples of what it could sound like-Decisive team leader with over 10 years experience in the Human Resource field. Ability to multi task and remain result oriented on project management. Knowledgeable team leader with corporate leadership experience in sales and marketing. Eager to bring forth my expertise and employee relation skills to be an asset to a position in the Human Resource field.With the summary under wraps, the next step is to create objectives or bullets that highlight and simplify your skills. Be blunt and to the point in this section.A sample of a few Human Resource objectives could be-
- Analyzed quarterly cost reports and produced clear grids showing assets and deficits.
- Kept employee costs down and was able to save thousands for each fiscal period.
- Organized company training in-services and education services.
- Helped to reduce budget deficit and keep monthly budgets on track and under control
- Advanced computer programming skills with proficiency in FrontPage, COBOL, Microsoft Office, Peachtree Accounting system, and CAD systems.
- Created cost saving software and budget program for company
- Brought Employee retention levels to all time low and created new entry level jobs by being involved with the budgeting and hiring duties.In the next paragraph list your past educational experiences. Schooling, educational seminars and volunteer programs you participated in can be listed here. The final paragraph will be based on your work experience. Be sure to include your last three places of employment, the length of time you were employed there and their contact information.In conclusion, make sure to keep your Resume brief, if you can by only utilizing one page. Make sure to highlight and showcase your achievements. With the samples listed above you are sure to land your dream position in the Human Resource Field.Resume Templates makes resume writing fast and easy. This article is brought to you by recruiting expert, author and career counselor Jay Tokarz in conjunction with Resume Template where you can instantly download over 350 resume templates and cover letters custom written by members of the National Resume Writers Association. To have your resume custom written by a resume expert see Resume Writing Service.
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