Easy List Building - 3 Easy Strategies For Using Forums To Build Your Lists

       By: Gary Baker
Posted: 2007-09-29 11:41:53
Forums are a fun way to promote your business and build your lists. There are a large number of forums for different industries. To make this promotion successful you will need to find one that caters to your niche market. Because advertising is not allowed on these forums you must remember to play by the rules.3 strategies for using forums to build your lists:1. Find forums for your niche market: Look up your niche keyword on Google and type in forums. You will then find all the major forums in your industry. Check them out and see which ones will be the best for promoting your business and building your lists. You will find that the flavor of discussions will differ on each forum.2. Create a good email signature file: Advertising is strictly forbidden on most forums. However there is a way around this and that is using your email signature file. Whenever you post you will be able to use this sig file and your website URL at the bottom of your posts and comments. If other participants like your posts they will visit your URL and can also sign up for your newsletter list.3. Participate with useful posts: Always remember to post useful answers to questions and even post some questions of your own. Others will then perceive you to be an expert in your field and want to visit your site. When they do this they can sign up for your list.So have fun on the forums and use these 3 strategies for using forums to build your lists with quality subscribers.Do you want to know how I build my lists and make thousands of dollars per month from home?I've written a new Free Report that'll show you: "How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"Get your copy here: http://nocostlistbuilding.com/lbr-report.htm
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