Where Is the Sun

       By: Mariska Taylor
Posted: 2007-09-05 17:10:50
Today, I stood at the bus stop somewhere in London and my feet froze. I thought it was summer, or so the official time has been telling me. "British Summer time". What has happened. Where is the summer? The weekend should have been a warm one, one bank holiday gone another bank holiday coming soon. It is exactly as it says, a holiday for the banks and no one else... without the sun and warmth, holidays don't feel like holidays.People change when it is warm, they smile at you, nod in acknowledgment and even sometimes say "nice day love". After being cocooned up all winter, the body cries gasping "vitamin D vitamin D" "Give me vitamin D", toes look up at you and say "I want to be free and colourful"...The mind goes into reverse mode in winter. Things that one tolerated when it was summer become annoying and intolerable. For example, that extra five minute wait for the bus, or the presence of foreigners (I have experienced that). This seems to bring a scowl across the faces of the indigenous not because they hate you but because they are fed up of life in the dull, damp, environment and as everyone knows, if you can't blame yourself or nature for a situation, blame someone else...If I could carry the sunshine from the equator to London I would, and would gladly pay the excess baggage charges the airlines charge, just so that I could share it with everyone for FREE! Winter brings sniffles, headaches, overspending and depressive eating.The sun also brings out surprises... Why else would you find so many yet to be born appearing as soon as the sun comes out. It is as though coats and jackets kept them hidden and the sun opened the gateway for them so they could shout, "look at me, I am about to be born,". I pray that the real summer comes soon so that when the children who are out of school need to play, the sun rather than Xboxes, PS2's and computers keep them occupied. The sun makes children behave like children,it brings out their youth. Until then I am thawing my toes against the radiator which was switched back on today.I started writing when I was young but it was not until 2002 after my husband's death that I seriously started poetry articles and short stories as a serious hobby which I could develop. I have had some of my poetry and articles published in magazines. I am a motivational speaker, have attended many seminars on self empowerment and have walked on fire during the Unleash the fire within seminar held by Anthony Robbins. I have enough poems ready for publishing and I am also writing a novel and a film script. I live between Ghana and the UK and enjoy putting down my experiences as they happen. I love life and believe time is too short to do nothing and that all should try to leave a mark on this earth before we finally go.
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