Why Should You Home School Your Child?

       By: Robin Boddy
Posted: 2007-08-25 14:58:59
The system of education in this country is a system that is struggling greatly. Those that make the rules for the teachers haven't spent time in a classroom since they were students. The teachers are teaching increasingly apathetic students as everyone, including colleges, are lowering their standards in search of the almighty buck. Home schooling your children will ensure that you know exactly what they are learning while they don't become victimized by a system that no longer works well.As of right now, the state determines what your child should know by what age. If your child should fall short of that standard, the search begins for the reason. According to our president, all students should learn at the same rate and the same time. As individuals, we know that this simply isn't the truth. Some students will pick up their studies very well while others will struggle. That doesn't mean that the struggling student has a problem. When you teach your children at home, you will be able to help your children through whatever struggles they may have.As a caring parent, you know your child's strengths and weaknesses. You can use the state standards as guidelines, but you will have ultimate control over what your students will learn. When your child finds himself struggling with a particular part of his/her studies, you will be able to find a variety of materials to help him/her through those struggles rather than abandoning them to a broken system. The extra work and focus on the area that they are struggling with will allow him/her to catch up and continue with the rest of their studies.As home schoolers, your children will not be subjected to standardized testing by the state; however, you may want to create some type of testing on your own. When they reach the age of college, they will have to take tests to get in and to get out and start their careers. Your testing will not judge them against all other people their age, but it will tell you whether you have been successful in what you have taught them. It will show you where there may have been deficiencies in the learning and that will allow you to correct those. Any area that is showing on your own testing to be weak, you can create extra study materials for by researching the internet for creative ideas. Once you have those ideas you'll be able to work hard to bridge those gaps.Home schooling is an option when other options are looking less and less appealing. There is a world of resources thanks to the internet. Children are just waiting for knowledge and with the right guidance you can be the one to give them that knowledge.One of the best resources for home school information is http://homeschool.get-the-info.net
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