Goodfinding Issue Five - Believe It And You Will See It

       By: William DeFoore
Posted: 2007-07-11 12:05:44
Good For One And All. Wayne Dyer and others have helped us to realize that "If you believe it you will see it," pointing to the creative power of belief and intention. With this in mind, we do well to ask ourselves, "What do I believe?" You may think you know, yet the most powerful beliefs are often unconscious. Stretch yourself a bit with beliefs like, "I am a magnificent being, with gifts and talents beyond my awareness. The more I offer my gifts to the world, the more the world will give to me. The Universe is conspiring to make all of my dreams come true. My happiness and fulfillment is good for the world. All of the good I have ever experienced is now increased. All of the good I wish for myself I wish for others as well."Ever Present Abundance. The abundance of good in this universe is so vast and ever present that it misses our attention much of the time. Look around you. Life is exploding with good, offering its abundance to you in each moment, quietly, unobtrusively. Abundance is not forced upon you, yet it is ever present and never failing. Perceive scarcity, look for evidence of it, and you will find it. Perceive abundance, look for evidence of it, and you will experience it. Perception is powerful, and can even be creative when you maintain it over time. Use your free will to perceive the world of abundance that you choose. There is enough here for all of us. Believe it and you will see it.Reclaim Your Creativity. It is a fact that you are highly creative by nature. A two year old creating a mess with spilled makeup on the bathroom floor is an original artist. Creativity has absolutely nothing to do with what other people think, yet it is often other people's opinions by which we judge our creativity. See if you can remember the time or times in your life when someone gave you the impression that you were less than a brilliant creator. Go back to those memories as the adult you are today, and remove your genius child from that stifling experience. Embrace this child of light in your heart, and welcome the rebirth of creative magnificence into your life.The Law Of Attraction. The law of attraction basically states that we attract whatever we are focusing on, positive or negative. The most intriguing part of this is that we might be thinking a lot about something we don't want or don't like, and inadvertently attracting more of that into our lives. This is the risk of getting "bent out of shape" over something and allowing your mind to obsess about that problem or person that is bothering you so much. The flip side is that when you focus on what you want and what you like, you attract exactly that! Read Esther and Jerry Hicks' new book, The Law of Attraction, and begin today creating a better world for yourself and the rest of us.William G. DeFoore is a counselor, executive coach, speaker and president of the Institute for Personal and Professional Development. As the originator of the Goodfinding audio program, newsletter and website, he has also been on the faculty of the Wellness Program at Cooper Aerobics Center for fifteen years. He has 34 years of experience in helping people achieve healthy, happy relationships. Get free information, watch videos and purchase books, CDs and downloads at
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