Dechlorinate Water Filters Can Remove Harmful Chlorine From Your Home Drinking & Shower Water System

       By: Martin Spencer
Posted: 2007-06-23 15:05:20
Considering whether or not to buy dechlorinate water filters is an important decision as chlorine is the most prevalent chemical in the "safe" resource that flows from our pipes. Chlorine is used in sanitation facilities for one reason only: it is an inexpensive sanitizer.Unfortunately, it is also a dangerous chemical that has been linked to cancer and other concerns. But don't think that avoiding drinking from the tap will help; the EPA has recently announced that all homes in America with indoor plumbing have elevated chlorine gas...this can be dangerous!An incoming water filter to filter chlorine can remove the chemical to varying degrees. Practically any type of purification system will remove at least some Cl from the water, but some systems are more effective than others.Carbon-based dechlorinate water filters are the most popular and effective type of purifier on the market. These types exist in small fridge-sized units up to entire household systems. Carbon is the best medium for removing unwanted elements from the drinking supply. It works by adsorption, the act of gases or liquids adhering to the surface of a solid. The best types of carbon systems incorporate a multi-step process which passes the H20 over several types of substances in order to remove all contaminants. A multi-step incoming water filter to filter chlorine can remove greater qualities than if the water is only passed over one filter.Other dechlorinate water filter systems are modern versions of older methods. Ceramic purifiers were used in the early 1800's because ceramic's fine, porous surface acts as an excellent sieve. Distillation is an old technique that involves boiling water until it becomes a vapor, then cooling it to liquid again. However, both systems do not produce large amounts of usable liquid.Reverse osmosis forces H20 through a very fine membrane, filtering out chemicals. Unfortunately, neither it nor distillation is very effective at removing all unwanted elements, and both are slow in production. In incoming water filter to filter chlorine and other substances are removed best and most quickly when carbon is used.Small amounts of usable liquid would not be a problem if it was only for drinking: some ceramic filter systems, after all, produce about four cups an hour. However, declorinate water filters are good to use on all H20 that enters the house. The water vapor causes chlorine gas to rise in the house, the same element that has been responsible for thousands of deaths in war. The chemical can cause red eyes, itching, and allergies, as people who frequent swimming pools know. Chlorine can break down the fibers in clothing. It also plays havoc on hair and nails: serious swimmers usually purchase special products to combat the effect of the chemical on their hair.Because of this, dechlorinate water filters are good to use throughout the house. You can buy special products that attach to every faucet and shower head, or you can purchase a main unit that connects to your main waterline in order to ensure that everything that flows out of your taps is safe, clean, and healthy.Martin Spencer is a health researcher who has been studying water filtration for over 25 years. He is a regular contributor to Water Filtration Guide, a site dedicated to various methods of treating and purifying water. Learn about incoming water filter to filter chlorine on our site.
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