Your Creative Power Increases with Trust

       By: Peri Coeurtney Enkin
Posted: 2007-05-16 10:15:32
Most of us have faulty ideas of what it takes to create our dreams. We live under the illusion that we need to push, strain and struggle in order for our desires to move from fantasy into reality. This could not be further from the truth. Let us talk about what is really involved when it comes to creating your life your way. And let me give you two simple processes that you can start right now to invite the creative forces of the universe to work for you.Once you decide to deliberately create your life you have some choices to make. What do you really want? What do you most long for and desire? It is quite amazing how the universe responds to specific requests. Each time you pinpoint and define your real desires, energy gathers and weaves all sorts of elements together on your behalf. Focus your energy in the direction of what you want. Feel the energy grow and become magnetic.The trick is to know what you want, to focus upon it - without grasping or clinging or getting caught up in concerns about how these things you want will come about. And the challenge is to release your attachment to specific people, places and things. Let your self want the experience and let the universe do the rest.We forget how powerful life is. We ignore the fact that miracles happen often, in spite of us, for us, and all around us when we are open to them.Now, there is one master ingredient that makes all the difference in the world. And that ingredient is TRUST!Many people have become cynical, sarcastic and fed up. They do not dare believe or trust that they can and will have what they most want. They do not know how to bring trust onto the scene when they have lived with doubts and fears for so long. Do not be one of them!PROCESS ONE: RELEASE DOUBT AND CULTIVATE TRUST Consider giving up doubt for one whole day. And then, when you are ready, extend this process for a month and you won't want to stop. Notice how your feelings change when you remind yourself that all things are possible. Positive feelings are the best fuel for our dreams. Choose to trust - even if only for one day - that the creative forces of life are setting up situations, events, meetings and connections for you're most treasured hopes to be met.Trust is especially important when there are no visible signs that what you want is any where in sight. I call this the razors edge of trust. At the very point when it seems all hope is lost, when everything you want or need or long for appears to be absent or impossible - this is the most difficult and most powerful time to crank up the volume on trust. Choose to trust life during those times and you will shift to an entirely different place of creative power.PROCESS TWO: REV UP YOUR ENERGY WITH TRUST FOCUS THOUGHTS Read through the following statements and choose the one that revs up your confidence. Repeat this statement every day for a full thirty days and notice how much your attitude shifts. Just this simple act energizes the law of attraction. The more you trust, the stronger your vibration and your results.I trust that life is working on my behalf right now!I trust that the creative forces of the universe are gathering together the perfect ingredients, elements and people for the accomplishment of my dreams!I trust that all my dreams are in the process of coming true right now!P.S. There is one more ingredient that goes well with trust... Add LOVE! Mix Love and Trust together and know that no matter what is in front of you today, all is well in your world.Peri Coeurtney Enkin is the Founder of Creators Choiceâ„¢ Don't Leave Your Future to Chance! - Programs, Products and People Offering Personal Mentoring and Tele-Classes for the Practical Application of Universal Laws. The Turnaround - A Curriculum for a Fulfilling Lifestyle, Aware Entrepreneurs, and the Three-Step Process: Set Your Compass: THE CHOICE. Pick up a free report Get Unstuck Now and Listen to a free pre-recorded Tele-Class right now - Six Essential Steps to move from Victim to Self-Empowerment.
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