Passion Wisdom - Hidden Treasures Gained From Learning How to Live Today

       By: Virginia Fischer
Posted: 2007-05-14 09:49:04
The following quote from Key To Wisdom by Ernest Holmes provided today's inspiration:"...Today is the only day we shall ever know; therefore, if we learn how to live today, tomorrow will be well lived."Does your current life experience express your true desires? Today is truly a blessed day when you choose to be aware and allow these 3 things to happen:* You stay present to your daily experience. When you are present in the now, your intuition kicks in more easily and provides valuable insights, suggestions or promptings - perhaps you decide to take a different driving route than you normally take. By doing so, you find a new place to connect with Nature. Be always in the Now.* You express gratitude for all of your experiences without judgement and without exception. Gratitude causes your life to flow much more smoothly. It is the elixir of health, well being and the fore- runner to living a long, happy and joyful life. Choose to be grateful for all life brings to you.* You pay attention to the clues Life is handing you every day. These clues are golden nuggets of wisdom providing you insights about what is unique about you. By paying attention to these clues, you may more readily discover an important area for you to develop into a skill, talent or pleasurable interest. Expect to receive clues that bring benefits into your life. Living Your Life Well Brings Hidden TreasuresYour true desires can only express through you when you are focused on your daily life experiences. For example, when your intuition prompted you to contact a friend, it was an opportunity to learn something about your friend or from your friend that benefits both of you.On the other hand, perhaps your friend was feeling discouraged and talking with you would have been just the tonic s/he needed right then. Just sensing the smile in your voice can be a benefit and provide a hidden treasure for your friend.Learning how to live today as Ernest Holmes stated in the above quote is all about how you handle your daily agenda and life experiences.Learning how to live today means checking in with yourself to see where you are relative to what is happening around you. Are you feeling anxious? Or worried? Is something out of balance that needs your attention right now?As Holmes urges above, learning how to live today brings hidden treasures with it that influence all of your tomorrows. When followed, true wisdom such as this enables you to focus your energy on what is really important, on what matters most deeply to you.When you choose to focus your heart and mind on what matters most to you, your present no longer slips away as a vague memory. Life becomes joyful and healthy. Your present energy well spent leads to living your life passions. When you are living your life passions, you are living and expressing your true desires.The hidden treasures gained from learning how to live today can provide the wisdom needed to assure your long-term success. Choose wisely and choose to live a joyful and passionate life.
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