When are Executive Suites not Expensive?

       By: Cheree Dohmann
Posted: 2007-05-05 10:13:37
The answer is simple. Executive suites are not expensive when they are not executive suites. Does that sound confusing? It is to a lot of business people. But you need to understand what the terms 'executive suites' or 'executive office space' really mean. This is particularly true if you are:
Looking for temporary office space that has the prestigious look of traditional executive office space without the price tag.
You want an 'instant' office that doesn't require furnishing or moving in a lot of business machines.
You are looking for inexpensive executive suites in the business center of a metro area.
Why executive suites are inexpensive Consider the enormous expense of setting up and staffing a traditional office. You have to buy furniture, buy or lease business machines, decorate the space and pay for movers. But none of this is necessary with executive office space. You won't even need someone to greet your visitors or answer your phone. They walk into a beautifully decorated lobby and are greeted by a friendly trained receptionist, just like in traditional high-priced executive suites. And here's the best part. Executive office space doesn't require a long-term lease that you need a lawyer to review before signing. They traditionally use only a simple rental agreement. Further more, executive suites don't lock you in for a set amount of time. If you outgrow your space, you can move without hassles or delays. You may not even have to change your address or telephone. Executive office space providers can often make larger facilities available to you in the same building. When you add up all the savings and conveniences, you will understand why executive suites only sound expensive. Plus, you will find them in cities all over the world. Just do an Internet search for 'executive suites' or 'executive office space'.
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