Tazarotene - Wonder Acne Medication

       By: CD Mohatta
Posted: 2007-04-10 09:13:54
Tazarotene is a wonder medication for acne. It is a retinoid. Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A. Tazarotene treats acne and also psoriasis and fine lines on the face. It also prevents sun damage top a certain extent. It is truly a wonder medication because of its so many benefits. Let us find out more about Tazarotene.Tazarotene - how it treats acneTazarotene treat cane in two ways. It reduces the inflammation of the acne. It also normalizes the unnatural shedding of skin cells. This shedding blocks the glands and prevents sebum from coming out. This sebum gets infected inside and caused inflamed and infected acne. By treating the inflamed acne v treats pimples. Tazarotene treats the second stage of acne- pustules and papules very well. Similarly it treats whiteheads and blackheads. Those who are troubled by blackheads should take help from Tazarotene.Tazarotene - how it treats PsoriasisTazarotene removes the patches of Psoriasis. It also helps the skin to renew faster into fresh skin that is free of Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a tough disease to treat and the advent of Tazarotene is surely a great boon for its sufferers.Tazarotene - sun damageTazarotene reduces the sun damage of the skin. Sun in many ways damages skin. The signs are seen as wrinkles, sunspots, acetenic keratosis etc. Tazarotene treats the sun-damaged skin and its regular use can make you feel younger.Side EffectsBeing a retinoid, Tazarotene may cause redness, drying of skin, stinginess etc. Normally these symptoms disappear after some days. If they persist, please stop using it and consult your doctor.Precautions with Tazarotene-Pregnancy should be avoided when you use Tazarotene .It cannot be used during pregnancy or suspected pregnancy. Please consult your doctor about the kind of birth control and other precautions you must take while using Tazarotene.Use sunscreen because Tazarotene makes skin sensitive to the sun. Avoid using other products that dry the skin. Products that contain Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Sulphur, Salicylic Acid, Resorcinol, Alcohol are some that have to be avoided. It is always better to discuss about cosmetics you may be using with your doctor as some of them may contain something that may cause irritation if used with Tazarotene. Tazarotene should not be applied to skin affected with eczema. If you have skin affected by sunburn, or broken or cut, do not use Tazarotene unless the skin is healed.This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
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