Comparing VoIP - Some Basics On What You Need To Know When Comparing VoIP Providers

       By: Amazan Emarketing
Posted: 2007-03-31 09:20:23
The number of VoIP providers in 120 countries worldwide is around 1,700, and the number keeps on growing. With so many choices for voice over IP services, it can be overwhelming trying to narrow down the pages of websites into a top ten that can be easily waded through. On the bonus side, however, there are so many broadband phone companies out there that are competing for the attention of a consumer just like you. Prices and packaging in the IP services area are highly competitive, so in order to get the best deal, it just takes a little time.To start the selection process, separate the VoIP providers, companies which offer broadband Internet phone services, from the traditional phone and Internet providers. Customers who subscribe to a VoIP calling plan will either use an analog terminal adapter to digitalize voice signals, a special phone called a VoIP phone or IP phone which plugs into a broadband connection, or a VoIP software program, speakers, and a microphone, known as computer-to-computer calls.Next, decide whether you would like free VoIP services or subscriber VoIP services. Free VoIP services like Skype or Free World Dialup have to be downloaded during a software setup and are restricted from personal computer to personal computer, with the right equipment of course. The downside is that sometimes with free services you are required to view advertisements or input your personal details into a website. Subscriber VoIP services, like Vonage, Packet8, and SunRocket, Inc., are offered for monthly package rates similar to a regular phone company, but at a significantly lower price. Basic plans range from $15 to $25 for residential and $40 to $50 for commercial customers, but not all phone features are offered under every plan.Finally, there are a few questions to ask yourself about how you expect to use VoIP. If you want to call friends and family over the Internet, try a free VoIP service verses the package deal from a service provider if you want to replace your existing phone service or long distance company. Next, research each VoIP provider's service and reliability rating to determine whether to go with another provider due to bad reviews. Find out how each VoIP provider handles emergency 911 calls, as well as if the VoIP service will be compatible with your existing Internet connection.
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