All Geniuses are Nerds; Not So!

       By: Lance Winslow
Posted: 2007-03-10 07:21:54
So often we mistakenly assume in our society that geniuses are clumsy, ugly and socially inept. We often tend to label these folks perhaps so we can feel good about ourselves, yet the reality is that generally geniuses or extremely high IQ people have above average looks (defined as being more symmetrical) and are socially fine. They are rarely clumsy.Even more interesting; geniuses are not simply high IQ people, as generally the real geniuses are athletic, attractive and do fine in social gatherings. The myth of the Nerd Genius simply is not so. Some of the top psychological researchers on the subject of the "Pre-imminent Genius" have statistically proven all these folklores as untruths.What is a Genius? Some believe a Genius can be defined as the "Imminent Achiever" and researchers who use this definition speak to the issues of life-time output. For instance if they are in the sciences they have made huge discoveries and leaps forward and contributed a "High-outputs of Research Papers." Coming from a family of geniuses, I have studied them up close and personal. For instance, my own grandfather who put out 70 scientific research papers was articulate, social, symmetrical patrician features and even an athlete in his day.It appears from observation that these myths in our society are counter productive and it is time they were busted. All Geniuses are Nerds; Not So! I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.
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