Child Learning Game - Makes Learning Fun And Easy

       By: Aaron Snider
Posted: 2007-03-05 08:57:12
There are many great products out there that make it easier for kids to learn. But only a select few have been proven time and time again to deliver the best results. Many parents feel that a learning game is the best way to help their child succeed. A child learning game is a great way to go if you are hoping to make it easier for your child to learn. By making learning fun, the learning becomes transparent to the child. In many cases the child will ask to play the game, instead of being told to sit down and study.Our favorite child learning game is Hooked on Phonics. Hooked on Phonics teaching process, learn-practice-play, has proven to be a fantastic method for keeping children interested while learning.Learn - The child learns a new skill or concept
Practice - Kids practice the concept until they master it
Play - Kids read fun books, or play games that allow them to apply their newly acquired skillsPhonics is the association between letters in the alphabet and sounds in our spoken language. For example: if the child is presented the word "cat", if he can't sight read the word, but understands the sound a "c" makes, the sound an "a" makes, and the sound a "t" makes, he can sound out the word and read it out loud. Once the child has mastered new letters and sounds he then gets to use his new skills while reading great books and playing games that reinforce his new skills.Hooked on Phonics has games available for personal use and also teachers as well. Hooked on Phonics provides a balanced approach with instructional material and books to reinforce the days learning for the students. The system uses the latest research to perfect their system and constantly provides a superior product. They also focus on smaller growth during smaller periods of time to ensure the child's success. By taking baby steps the child becomes confident with their new skills before moving on to new ones.The Hooked on Phonics system holds many awards for its commitment to children's success in learning. In 1998 it was awarded The National Parenting Center Seal of Approval, and then again in 2005. In 2001 was awarded the Teachers Choice Award, and the Curriculum Administrator Districts' Choice top 100 products. 2003 earned them another Teachers Choice Award. In 2004 Hooked on Phonics earned the Teachers Choice Award and The Teachers Choice Award for Family. In 2006 they won National Parenting Publications Award and Dr. Toy's 10 Best Educational Products.Hooked on Phonics gets an "A" from us.Aaron Snider has been researching problems and helping people find solutions online since 1999.Our school system may be failing our kids, but you don't have to fail your child. Click here to find out how to make your child's grades shine. Use a child learning game to help your child get great grades.
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