Zocor Joint Pain And Muscle Weakness. Oh No! When Your Drug Causes Problems

       By: Athlyn Green
Posted: 2007-02-04 23:21:47
Zocor joint pain can be challenging to deal with. What are the facts about Zocor and potential problems that can develop from taking this medication?Zocor is a prescription drug that is used when diet and exercise have proved inadequate in combating high cholesterol. This drug is prescribed to reduce risks associated with coronary heart disease (heart attack, stroke, or heart surgery).Some patients have experienced zocor muscle weakness and pain and have learned that using this drug caused their symptoms.As can happen with most prescription medications, certain side effects may be felt. One problem that may be encountered is zocor joint pain. Should you be concerned?It may help to know that most patients tolerate treatment with Zocor relatively well. In most cases, side effects are usually mild and of short duration.If you have experienced zocor muscle weakness and feel this has resulted from taking this drug, it is important to discuss your concerns with your doctor.In rare cases, people who had zocor joint pain ultimately suffered muscle breakdown, which resulted in kidney damage. Keep your doctor apprised of any symptoms such as pain or weakness during treatment.Your doctor may decide to stop using this medication-especially if you have experienced fever or felt unwell. Zocor muscle weakness and breakdown is greater in patients taking other drugs in conjunction with Zocor.Problems have been seen in people taking lipid-lowering medications, certain antibiotics, the calcium channel blocker, Posicor, antifungal medicines, or drugs that suppress the immune system.If you have experienced zocor joint pain or have other conditions that could increase your risk of muscle breakdown, your doctor should temporarily withhold or stop your use of Zocor. Conditions such as low blood pressure, a severe infection, major trauma or surgery, or having a severe metabolic, endocrine, or electrolyte disorder could complicate treatment.Because of risks related to taking Zocor in combination with other drugs, your doctor will monitor you for any muscle pain, tenderness, or zocor muscle weakness. He may also monitor the level of certain muscle enzymes in your body. You should be aware, however, that there is no guarantee that such monitoring will prevent the occurrence of severe muscle disease.You may have had a brush with zocor joint pain and are now exploring drug-free alternatives. Can natural remedies be effective in managing cholesterol imbalances and protecting cardiovascular health?One substance, derived from sugar cane and beeswax, Policosanol, has outperformed statin medications and patients taking it have experienced no unwanted effects.Research supports taking an omega-3 fatty acid supplement because fish oil keeps cholesterol at bay and works as a blood thinner to prevent clots. Eskimos eat lots of fish and have fewer heart attacks.Chinese red yeast rice is now being used as a high cholesterol alternative treatment. In fact, pharmaceutical companies actually synthesized statin drugs by discovering and altering a molecule found in red yeast rice.If you have experienced zocor muscle weakness, you may be interested to know that natural substances can safeguard against cardiovascular disease, helping the body to adjust cholesterol imbalances safely and without unwanted effects.Zocor joint pain does not have to be part of cholesterol treatment. Alternative approaches can be just as effective as prescription medication for lowering cholesterol. Always seek out appropriate direction before undertaking any treatment.
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