Search Engine Traffic-Don't Run On And On In Your Articles

       By: Wycliffe Williams
Posted: 2007-01-16 23:08:38
Search engine traffic can be drawn to your website. The magnet that does the attracting is articles that are full of great content. This is without doubt the best free way to generate traffic to your site.Submitting great content in the form of articles to significant article directories is the best free way to get a link back to your website. Most article directories frown on link placement directly inside the article. They would rather you put links in your resource box at the end of the article.If your article is well written and about a strong niche topic, the article will get picked up by many websites for their own sites. That can provide you with a set of viral links to your site.The more frequently your article gets picked up, the more opportunity there is for another webmaster to see it and pick it up too. That’s the viral nature of articles with great content.Make absolutely sure that your article does not have spelling and grammar errors. Webmasters don't want errors on their websites. It tends to tarnish their image.Only a few types of errors account for almost all the mistakes article writers commonly make. You only have to master a few simple concepts to keep on the straight and narrow. One of the most common errors showing up in article directories is the hated run-on sentence.A Run-on Sentence error occurs when two independent clauses are run together without punctuation or are joined with a comma when a period, semi-colon, or the use of "and" is required.Incorrect: "Wireless networks love cell phone features it allows them to charge more money." Incorrect: "Wireless networks love cell phone features, it allows them to charge more money." Correct: "Wireless networks love cell phone features. It allows them to charge more money." Correct: “Wireless networks love cell phone features; it allows them to charge more money."An independent clause is a complete sentence when taken by itself. It has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. "Wireless networks love cell phone features." works as a sentence with no additional words. "It allows them to charge more money." also works as a sentence. They are independent clauses each able to stand on its own.It's an error to run them together. The easiest way to show their independence and fix the error is to put a period after the first one, making each one explicitly a separate sentence.Don't forget to capitalize the first word of the second independent clause, which you've now made an independent sentence.Most people get into run-on error trouble when the two independent clauses are closely related. They get tripped up when the second one expands upon a thought contained in the first. The other common characteristic of a run-on trap is the use of a pronoun to start the second clause.You probably would not write "Wireless networks love cell phone features it allows them to charge more money " without punctuation or the word "and" in between them.When you are writing notice when you use "it" or "it's" to refer back to some subject you just wrote about. You are probably in danger. Try the sentence using the actual word referred to by "it" instead, and see how you'd punctuate it.Try saying "it is" instead of "it's". Don't let yourself forget "it's" contains both a subject and a verb. Watch out for other pronouns such as "they", "they're" also.You can bet that most article writers make run-on mistakes. Be very conscious of this specific error. Work hard to avoid the dreaded run-on sentence. Go to Google and hunt for help with run-ons.Are you currently seeing success in your Internet Marketing business? Are all the other Internet Marketing products that you purchased working? I thought not! Follow this link to the #1 Internet Marketing course for 8 year running: Internet Marketing.
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