Riding the Moral Shockwave in America - Nu Leadership Series

       By: Daryl Green
Posted: 2006-12-10 01:41:15
An intellectual is a man who takes more words than necessary to tell more than he knows. Dwight D. EisenhowerThe world is changing. Technology advances continue to amaze us. Our values are changing in society as we hit another cultural breakthrough. Futurists believe the future is happening right before our eyes. These changes can be viewed like an ocean wave. The Fourth Wave has historical significance to contemporary leaders. Hamel, author of Leading the Revolution, argues that today’s leaders will need to reject their industrial age beliefs if they are to accept this global challenge. The Fourth Wave relates to a concept by Toffler, which is categorized by (a) agricultural, (b) industrial, and (c) information.This wave conveys a simplistic and generic analogy of social and cultural changes sweeping the world; some call it post-market era or new world order. Maynard and Mehrten, authors of The Fourth Wave, foresee many changes as a result of this Fourth Wave. Some of the critical areas include co-creation of values by businesses with outside stakeholders.If this is true, what does the future really hold for us? Materialism is declining. Organizations are beginning to embrace globalization. Workers are demanding for purposeful living. Therefore, spirituality will no longer be separated by work and personal life. Changing is coming, Leader! Obviously, inflexible leaders will find it more difficult to survive these tsunami cultural changes in this global community.References:Debold, B. (1995). Fourth Wave Concept Overview. Received on October 2, 2006, from http: www.worldtrans.org/whole/fourthwave.html.Hamel, G. (2002). Leading the Revolution. New York: Penguin Group.Maynard, H. & Mehrten, S. (1996). The Fourth Wave: Business in the 21st Century. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehlers.© 2006 by Daryl D. GreenDaryl D. Green has published over 100 articles in the field of decision-making (personal and organizational), leadership, and organizational behavior. Mr. Green is also the author of two acclaimed books, Awakening the Talents Within and My Cup Runneth Over. He is a columnist, lecturer, professor, and management consultant. Mr. Green has a BS in engineering and a MA in organizational management. Currently, he is a doctoral candidate in strategic leadership.
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