Traumatic Events and Reality

       By: L. John Mason
Posted: 2006-12-08 23:45:20
Have you ever been pulled out of your sleepy state of denial into the cold reality of your life? When was the last time your calm, peaceful state of mind was pierced by the harsh experiences that become the milestones in your existence?Was it an accidentor an illnessor a divorceor a job lossor a relationship that went bador a confrontation with a neighboror an arrestor an unprovoked attackedor a pregnancyor a deathor a loss of faith that triggered the slap in the face of life’s many struggles that caused you to lurch out of your comfort zone into a transcendent view of your life?Traumas are devastating, and yet they can offer a chance to grow and change and learn the important lessons that can prove the valuable exercises in the evolution of your mind and spirit. With the pain, the fear, the anger, the anxiety come the opportunity to view your life’s fragility. It forces you to break out of the old mold that has constrained your world.Are you prepared for the inevitable traumas of life? No one is fully prepared, but there are people more ready and able to deal with the rude events that befall all people who live past the naïve self-centeredness of childhood innocence.When next this happens to you and your world, when the events transpire to open wide your eyes, please take good care of yourself and then find the lessons that you have as a new opportunity to learn. Find some “healthy” support or counsel and ride the tsunami generated by life’s earthquakes to the place where you can find your destiny.Hopefully, find grace in the aftermath of your Hell on Earth… and, let your traumatic "reality checks" offer you the insights and motivations to grow and change in the most positive ways.Now more ever before, please take good care of yourself.L. John Mason, Ph.D. is the author of the best selling "Guide to Stress Reduction." Since 1977, he has offered Executive Coaching and Training.
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