Mountain Biking Essentials

       By: Jennifer Bynum
Posted: 2006-12-05 01:49:35
As the old adage goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” And if you’re going on a lengthy bike ride, that makes a lot of sense. To keep yourself comfortable and safe – and avoid getting caught in any frustrating situations – it’s important to be prepared before you set out.Since it will be such a crucial part of your ride, your backpack itself should be an investment. Look for one made especially for cyclists. Such packs are made of durable, lightweight, weather-proof materials. Ideally, your pack should have adjustable waist and chest straps and a ventilated back. Some even contain compression systems to prevent the contents from shifting and rattling during your ride, and hydration packs to hold large amounts of water and allow for hands-free drinking. Such features are optional; nice, but not absolutely necessary.Riding takes a lot of stamina, especially in warmer weather. You will need plenty of water, and you may want to throw in some sports drinks for sodium replenishment. If possible, arrange to ride along a path where there will be opportunities to refill your water supply if necessary. Pack one sports bar or piece of fruit – bananas are great for cyclists – for every hour you plan to ride, plus one or two extras just in case you’re out longer than you planned (or one of your companions isn’t so well prepared).In case of bike malfunction, you’ll want to carry some tools. To save space, consider carrying a multi-tool. These handy all-in-one tools contain everything you need to fix common problems on the road: Allen wrenches, Phillips and flat-blade screwdriver heads, spoke wrenches and chain tools. Throw in a patch kit, tire lever, a small bottle of chain lube, and a spare tube and you’re covered (inspect the spare for damage before each ride, especially if it’s been in your pack for a while). Make sure you know how to use all the tools properly, though; they’ll do you no good if you can’t figure out what to do with them! You can carry a guide with you, even if it’s just a few tips scribbled on index cards, outlining bicycle repair basics (such as fixing a flat) if you have trouble remembering. Tip: laminate your bike repair guide in case you find yourself having to consult it in the rain. Buy the mountain bikes online at bicyshop.comBeing prepared for a malfunction doesn’t just include problems with the bike – it includes everything from inclement weather to emergencies to personal discomforts. Pack a cell phone (ensure that it’s fully charged first!) or a phone card. It doesn’t hurt to carry a few dollars, and maybe a couple quarters as well. A lightweight, foldable hooded jacket or poncho will protect your clothing from an unexpected downpour. Make yourself a laminated card with your name, address, telephone number and emergency contact numbers, and put it in a place where it can be easily spotted. Pack a bottle of waterproof, high-SPF sunscreen – travel-sized if you’re short on space – so that you can reapply as needed, and a tube of protective lip balm such as Chap-Stick. You may also want to carry a tube of sports cream to relieve on-the-road muscle aches and stiff joints, some Band-Aids and antibiotic cream for cuts and scrapes, and a travel-sized pack of tissues or baby wipes.Whatever the contents of your biking pack, unload it and check everything out periodically for expiration dates, breakage, leakage, or other general problems. Bumping around in a backpack, or being stored for long periods of time, can eventually wreak havoc on your supplies. Make sure everything is in good working order!You never know what problems could pop up on a bike ride, but you can tackle any situation with ease by packing the proper supplies. Here’s hoping you never need to use them!
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