Best Practices For Contacting

       By: Cyrus Uible
Posted: 2006-11-22 00:51:50
One of the most challenging positions to be in while you are building your network marketing business is not having any prospects that you can contact about joining your network. You probably had a large list of friends, family and acquaintances that you started with and now you might have already shown all of them your business plan. If your initial list has enabled you to grow your business to the level you desire then you are fine. However, if you want to grow your business further, then you are going to have to meet some new people. Ideally, if you do this correctly, you will NEVER run out of names and numbers you can call to potentially expand your business. Here are some ideas that can help you to build your list.
Find the right environment – Think about the type of person that would be interested in having a marketing business of their own. Would this person hang out in bars? Probably not. It’s probably a better bet to meet people is places such as bookstores and seminars. Places where the people are already motivated to want to improve themselves are going to have the highest number of potential prospects who already have an entrepreneurial spirit.
Take advantage of your every day activities – You are already out and about every day. Getting groceries, filling your car up with gas or going out to eat are places where you should always have your antennae up looking for sharp people.
Practice using the FORM mini conversation – This stands for family, occupation, recreation and motivation. Where do you work? What do you do to have fun? Are you looking for an opportunity? Do you have any family in the area? These types of questions work well.
Be sure to get THEIR number – If all you do is hand out your card then you are wasting your time. Make sure to get their info so you can be in control of calling them.
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