What Is Your Why or Reason?

       By: Glenda Malcolm
Posted: 2006-06-19 19:58:54
One of the first things which will help you succeed in your home-based network business is to know your WHY or Reason. Why you want yours could be you would like to spend more quality time with your family. Another could be requiring extra money to take the pressure off of some unexpected big expense or a dream vacation you would like to take. Another good why might be you are just fed up with your boss or job? Become your own boss, work when you want and answer to yourself.Knowing your why is what will keep you going. To help you get to your why or reason you need to know that Network Marketing is a teaching and mentoring business. Your product will be people. So you will need to study people. Find out their why. Than how you can help them get to their why or dreams. Remember it is their why or dream not yours. By helping them you will be on your way to your why or dream. In other words “Pay It Forward”.People join people not companies. People will be building your business. Therefore building people will make your retention go through the roof.To achieve your why or goal you will need to want success. So you need to be hungry. You must be starving for success. When you can not focus on anything else except the need to eat you start getting the shakes or a headache. You need to be fed. Now bring that feeling and transfer it to your business.Do not dwell on what happened in the past. You can not do anything about the past. Stay positive not negative. Here are some quotes:1. “The best way to make your business come true is to wake up.” by Paul Valery2. “How you think about a problem is not important than the problem itself. So always stay positive.” by Norman Vincent Peale3. “Anything you really want , you can attain, if you really go after it.” By Wayne DyerSo in closing, to achieve your Why or Reason stay positive not negative. Be helpful and supportive. Always be excited when talking to potential people who might join your business. Their success also will help you achieve your success to the financial freedom you are looking for. Remember before you can reach your why or goal you need to have one. Organize your energy around your Why or Goal.
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