Respond Instead of React

       By: Cassidy Summers
Posted: 2006-11-14 23:29:07
As humans we have the ability to make choices in how we deal with situations that happen to us. Even if the emotions that are triggered in us are not 100% under our control when they first occur.An older woman is driving slowly in the fast lane. You are already late for work, and this is going to make you even later. Your initial reaction is to become frustrated and stressed. Now is getting angry at this woman really going to help you get to work any faster? NO! You also have the ability to control your reactions, control how long your feelings last, and what you will do with these feelings.Having choices means how well we will respond to a situation - rather then just reacting. Wouldn’t it feel good to know that you are in control of your response rather then being controlled by others? There are certain ways to respond to these feelings.One is to change your attitude. Changing your attitude toward the many individuals and incidents that cause your feelings that in turn cause anger; Can really improve the outcome to many of your situations that have always been solved in the wrong manner.Regulating your emotions is another way to control your feelings. No one says you can’t get angry. That is normal. Staying under control is the part you should really focus on. If you learn how to stay in control under the circumstances, your reasoning ability, and logical thinking will be much clearer.Try reacting differently then you normally do to situations like this. Respond differently and see if the outcome changes. See what kind of other response you get from people. See how effective this tool is. People usually do not expect this kind of response. Sometimes they are amazed that you could control these feelings now.So basically, if you want to control your normal feelings of frustration, stress, and many other life triggers, that end up causing you to become angry. Then follow those three essential steps. The three steps can help make a big difference in your life.
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