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Natural Alternatives to Treating ADHD (Popularity: )
First always consult your doctor before giving any medication whatsoever. All medications have side effects and only your physician is qualified to prescribe medicines and treatments and to recommend dietary changes. We do not recommend any medications nor condone any treatments - only your doctor is qualified to do that. Parents who have children with ADHD want the best for them. Research recently shows that Ritalin has a side effect on ...

Psychic Readings For the Future (Popularity: )
The future is generally believed to have an array of mysteries in store. Despite some scientific predictions being made every now and then, the future still continues to be ambiguous. People have always had the fascination to know what their future holds in store for them. So, is there a definite way to find this out? Fortunately, there is! Through a psychic read you do not just get to have ...

Psychotherapy - A Brief Guide To What It Is (Popularity: )
Firstly the word. Psychotherapy is made up of two words psyche and therapy. Psyche means 'the mind' or 'soul' and therapy means 'healing'. So psychotherapy is about healing the mind or soul. My quick and easy definition of what the soul or mind is: our thoughts and feelings. This can also involve our physical body (especially our muscles) and the habits we have developed. And because we are social being ...

Simple Hypno-Psychology (Popularity: )
Most of us are aware that our mind works on two different levels - the conscious and the subconscious. Our conscious mind controls our deliberate actions, it can reason, it can reach conclusions, and, in a normal situation, it will cause us to act on our conclusions. Our subconscious mind however, is below the level of our awareness. It controls our heartbeat, our blood circulation, digestion, elimination and breathing and works on ...

TESOL Teachers - How to Keep Your Students Attention (Popularity: )
Number 1 Stay Calm Nothing excites children more than seeing the teacher excited. It's only natural. You, as the teacher, are their leader and when you display excited energy, positive or negative, it rubs off on them. Whether you are angry or a student is angry or misbehaving it is your job to play the role of the adult and remain rational. Do not let your emotions get carried away. The students ...

The Psychology of Child Soldiers (Popularity: )
While it well known around the world that child soldiers are militaristically beneficial, what is lesser known and acknowledged is the psychological effects that being a child soldier has on a child, especially in comparison to adult soldiers. Child soldiers are easily incorporated into warfare because they can be trained by force, brainwashing, or fear, given their ages, sizes, and places in society. Children can be abducted from their homes ...

The World's Greatest Lie... (Popularity: )
"Everyone believes the world's greatest lie..." says the mysterious old man. "What is the world's greatest lie?" the little boy asks. The old man replies, "It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie." (An excerpt from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. A fable about following your dreams.) Do you believe you have ...

There's Nothing Wrong With Me - I'm an Introvert! (Popularity: )
I spent the first 40 years of my life trying to fit in to a way of being that didn't belong to me. I would go to parties and want to hide out in the corner and watch people. I'd come home from large social gatherings exhausted. I hated having to make small talk and chat about things that really didn't mean much to me. While those around me would ...

Thinking Made Easy (Popularity: )
Dr. Seuss created a funny little story about Mrs. McCave. She had 23 sons and she named them all Dave. Now when you ask, "Who Is Dave?" The question, under normal circumstances, would lead to a normal answer. But if you were to ask her, it would be baffling. Similarly, if you ask "what is thinking?" you tend to baffle your listener. This is because there is no singular way of thinking. It ...

Tips For Buying ADHD Medication Online The Right Way (Popularity: )
First, always consult your doctor before giving any medication whatsoever. All medications have side effects and only your physician is qualified to prescribe medicines and treatments and to recommend dietary changes. We do not recommend any products nor condone any treatments - only your doctor has that ability. Although attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is not a life-threatening condition, it can however adversely affect the way a person lives and ...