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Talent is the primary focus of all the business organizations (Popularity: )
In today difficult commercial scenario, the leading business firms do not follow the traditional way of categorizing their employees as good and bad based on their working quality and quantity. Gone are the days when the firms use to invest very less into the development of employees and were much focused on extracting more work from the employees working there? Instead, now they are striving to make their organization attractive ...

How Ducks Hold Meetings (in Case You Were Curious) (Popularity: )
It's true. Ducks hold meetings in the park. And these quacky meetings have remarkable similarities to business meetings (held in conference rooms, for example). Here's what they do. 1) No one pays attention to anyone. Every duck is looking in a different direction. Most don't even appear to be part of the meeting. And none of them are watching the duck who is quacking. But they are all there because ducks have to know ...

Strategies for Creating a Winning Work Environment (Popularity: )
1. Look for employees who can accept positive feedback and compliments. Individuals who accept positive feedback and are able to say “thank you” after receiving a compliment are more likely to perform when it counts. If employees cannot accept accolades, then ultimately they will do things to receive negative feedback. If you have employees who thrive on negativity or harsh behavior, they will let you down in the end. People ...

Synchronized Work Lists- The Key to increased Efficiency & reduced Risks (Popularity: )
One of the highest risks in modern workplaces is the poor synchronization of work. When work is not synchronized, risks are increased by: slowed workflows, wasted time and effort, lost continuity, increased stress and frustration, and under achieving people. Yet many managers believe that changing current work management methods will lead to increased risk. However the opposite is true. Current work management practices are incredibly high risk, because managers rely on ...

Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill - Well, Jill Did (Popularity: )
"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after." ~Mother Goose rhyme. "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, but Jill kept on climbing." ~A modern parable. This is the story of two entrepreneurs we'll call Jack and Jill. Jill went up the ...

World has Much More to Offer us through the Field of Biometrics! (Popularity: )
If you think your security system is the best one that is securing you and your premises, then probably you are wrong because world is not finished yet. Researches and development are an on going process in this real world. Security is a term which is a bit difficult to narrate in a single statement similarly it is more difficult to prescribe a complete solution that can provide total security. ...

Earning Serendipity-Your Gateway To Make Opportunity Matter From Glenn Llopis (Popularity: )
Most of us believe in chance. Most of us accept it's by pure chance that success happens. Those who are successful are simply fortunate. And there is nothing one can do but wait and watch till fortune dawns all on a sudden. Thus we are awed by people around to whom good things always come, the flourishing tribe, the favorites of fortune. And we yearn to be like them, to ...

3 Mistakes That Prevent Effective Meetings (Popularity: )
These mistakes ruin meetings. Here's what to do. Mistake #1: Do all of the talking. Some meetings are run like a medieval court. The chairperson sits on a verbal throne while the subjects sit in respectful silence. The big talker justifies this by thinking: if the other people in the meeting knew anything worthwhile, they’d be leading the meeting. Reality: If you’re the only one talking, you’re working too hard. In addition, realize ...

Marketing KPIs Should Be Constructed Always (Popularity: )
Companies are bound to be different from each other. Marketing objectives will be completely different for each of them. From these marketing objectives of the company, KPIs should be derived. The levers should be identified when it comes to achieving the objective. All the objectives should first be listed, and then the KPIs should be drawn. The kind of levers should be decided upon. You should also know if you would ...

Special tasks are important tasks that must be done on time, and where normal business processes are unlikely to work. They are often high priority tasks where failure or delays have severe negative consequences. Special tasks include; strategies, governance, compliance, initiatives, changes, reforms, operations, and projects. They are usually large tasks that involve many people in several locations, working together, to achieve a required outcome. Some of the key challenges in managing ...