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Mobile Computing


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Top 5 JavaScript Frameworks for Mobile Web Development (Popularity: )
Mobile development has been increasing since the day Apple introduced iPhone. Mobile browser has never been so vigorous. In the mobile industry, it has rather a few of frameworks available aiming to create a mobile web app rapidly. Creating web applications and websites for the Mobile Web has its own sets of tasks and techniques. From UIs optimized for fingers instead of mouse cursors to the bandwidth limits that most movable ...

Frequent Fallacy About Mobile Application Development (Popularity: )
Smart phones are smart devices that have changed the way we work and perceive. Mobile application development industry has seen unprecedented growth in the recent time. With rapid changes it the mobile industry it is hard to keep up with the latest technologies. Mobile application development is a daunting task and often makes business's vulnerable to making big-ticket mistakes. This post summarizes some of the most likely misconceptions about mobile application ...

Your mobile phone is a serious computer that must be secured (Popularity: )
Mobile devices have forced a radical shift in the way human beings deal with their day-to-day activities and how organizations service their customers. Earlier there was a clear distinction between internet, the intranet and internal corporate network. But today with miniature yet powerful mobile devices carrying data, sending e-mails, social networking, banking, gamming, downloading music and video, the situation is more like scrambled eggs. In a June 2010 report on Internet ...

Let’s Know More About Your iPhone 4 (Popularity: )
As the name suggests iPhone 4 belongs to the fourth generation of iPhone. It also runs on the same operating system like its descendants i.e. Apple's iOS. It has decked with some spectacular features like video calling, media consumption; retina and multi touch display etc. The new splendid design includes an uninsulated stainless steel frame that act as the device's antenna. Furthermore, the latest release of iOS 4.2.1 operating system ...

Android Mobile Application Development (Popularity: )
A platform for mobile device which includes an operating system along with a middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides all the essential API tools that help developing applications on the Android platform based on the Java programming language. ANDROID MOBILE APPLICATION FEATURES Android is packed with a set of features like a rich development environment, a rich application framework, a virtual machine optimized for mobile devices, an integrated browser ...

SMS Text Message Marketing: The New Advertising Strategy (Popularity: )
Many companies understand that the marketing strategies that once worked brilliantly before may not necessarily be quite as successful now. They understand that just as their products and services change, their marketing tools must also ride these changes as well. Twenty years ago, many companies went for print and simple media to reach their target market. Some even used telephone marketing strategies to immediately get in touch with their customers. ...

Office Process Automation using BlackBerry Application Development (Popularity: )
What comes to mind when someone talks of a “mobile” office? Or a device that affords you the opportunity of constant communication with your office, where ever you go? If you said the Blackberry, you’re obviously right! This beautiful gadget has gotten rave reviews for the variety of its facilities and its features. Access to its third party apps has also been on popular demand. The current trend of its ...

The Future of Mobile Application Development - Web Or Native? (Popularity: )
According to a recent study by Global Intelligence Alliance, these are the top three reasons (in order of relevance) companies still prefer native mobile applications: 1.Ability to build a superior user interface 2.Need to access device hardware 3.Leverage popular, established app store distribution channels And here are the top three reasons business go with web technologies when in comes to mobile application development: 1.Ease and cost benefits of providing one interface accessible ...

Tablet PC Revolution (Popularity: )
In the computing world, year 2009 was the year of netbooks and mini laptops. Most of the traditional computing companies together with not so well companies came out with small computing devices within the range of 300-500$. Year 2010 on the other hand, is expected to be the year of tablet PCs. Mini Laptops are a category of laptops that are lighter and smaller than regular laptops and are not ...

Netbook Reviews - Acer AOD250 10.1 Inch Netbook (Popularity: )
Specifications: The new generation of netbooks is finally here! They now have better specs, sport great improvements in design and best of all, have lower price tags. The Acer AOD250 is a great example of such netbooks. Although most of the specs remain unchanged (such as the 1GB of RAM and the 1.6Ghz processor), there are some significant upgrades. For instance, this model now comes with a larger 250GB hard ...