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Essential Key To Success: Goal Setting (Popularity: )
You know what most successful people have in common? The answer is simple: goal setting. In these current and ever more chaotic times, carefully setting goals is far more important than aimlessly plowing through busywork. For instance, take a look at Bill Gates. Barely into adulthood he founded Microsoft and now he is the head of a huge software empire… and he doesn't even have a university degree! Goal setting ...

Four Easy Steps To Achieve Goals (Popularity: )
Failing to achieve a goal is seldom caused by setting the wrong goal, more often than not, failing to achieve a goal is caused by the failure to develop a plan to achieve the goal. Developing a Plan to Achieve a Goal is surprisingly simple. There are many plans one can use to achieve a goal. The easiest goal-setting plan I use is four steps. See, Think, Plan, Act. Step I: See: ...

Goal Personal Planning Setting Success - How To Find A Purpose For Your Life! (Popularity: )
Do you KNOW why you get out of bed every morning, eager to start a new day. Do you have a burning desire to achieve something that keeps you going against all odds until you eventually succeed. If you answered no to either of these questions, you need to find your Major Definite Purpose! What do you mean by major definite purpose? Your major definite purpose is the most important thing you ...

Goal Setting - 4 Critical Steps to Follow (Popularity: )
1. Write down your goals clearly and specifically. Writing down goals allows you to focus on the precise outcome you want to achieve. Thoughts come and go and the pictures often change, but writing gives you a permanent reminder. Your goals need to specifically outline what you want to achieve or become. Just writing 'losing weight' is vague and non-specific. Writing, losing 10kg, is specific and the achievement of which can ...

Goal Setting Secrets - Measure It (Popularity: )
The literature, which supports the effectiveness of proper goal setting, is overwhelming. I must emphasize however the words 'proper goal setting.' The small percentage of people who do set goals, do so incorrectly which is why over half of people who make New Year's Resolutions abandoned them after three months. One of the biggest problems for people is that they fail to set measurable goals. Take for example the following ...

Goal-Setting Tips for Achieving Success in Your Cleaning Business (Popularity: )
Why is it some owners of cleaning companies build successful businesses, while others fail? Do they work harder? Are they smarter? Are they really well-connected? No, not usually... Listed below are some of the things successful cleaning business owners do to ensure their business is successful. And don't worry... these are things we can all do. It's simply a matter of determination and follow-through when setting your business goals. 1. It's important ...

Having a Goal: What Does It Really Mean? (Popularity: )
Having a goal isn’t wishing. It isn’t maintaining a wistful hope or a vague dream that someday you’ll have or do or be that thing you keep telling yourself you want. No, having a goal is much, much more. Having a goal means you have committed yourself, heart and mind, to achieving your aim, regardless of the effort it requires, the time it takes, or the difficulties that arise along the ...

How to Do the Thing You Think You Cannot Do (Popularity: )
There is a tricky balance between being kind and compassionate and not-too-hard-on ourselves and digging deep and forging ahead when that is the only way to get the job done. There are times when we have to do just that. When if we don't stand up tall and brave we lose. Times when we need to go after what we want with powerful tenacity. Times when we have to face down ...

I Resolve To - Consider A Different Kind Of New Year Resolution! (Popularity: )
Not interested in making the 'standard' New Year resolution - you know the one straight off the list of resolutions that most folks 'make and fail to keep'? It's a very popular list: lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking, stop drinking, pay of debt, and so on. While I applaud folks who make and keep these resolutions (they're 'good for you' after all), I know they're not everyone's 'cup of ...

Identify Your Goals (Popularity: )
Leadership writer and founder of LMI Paul J Meyer spoke of the "storehouse of life" as filled to abundance with treasure too rich to describe. He described people going to this storehouse with a sieve and come away empty handed. Or they go with a teaspoon, stuff a little into their pockets and slink away like thieves feeling they have put one over on the world. A very few go to the ...