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Different Ways how Goal Setting Can Improve Your Life (Popularity: )
Setting goals is one of those things we fully intend to do, but never quite get round to. However if you realize just how much your life could be improved by this one simple task, you would make the time! Below are just 5 of the benefits to setting goals, so have a read through, then take 30 minutes to really think about your goals and write them down. 1.Targets, If ...

Discipline Is A Decision In Advance That Is Non-Negotiable (Popularity: )
I haven't done any real intense exercise in quite some time. So there I was, out of shape and yet knowledgeable about working out. I walked in and got my hands wrapped. I had my boxing gloves with me. There were more people than bags so we doubled up. I was doubled with a guy in his mid twenties. The instructor was an imposing looking guy, but with a good ...

Do What You Love (Popularity: )
One of my favorite subjects is on finding or choosing your true passion. One reason it's one of my favorites is because I'm the worst case there ever was of when-to-do-it! When is the best time to make your move? How are you going to tell your boss? How are you going to tell your wife? What can you say when your not happy with the $75,000 a year job? ...

Don't Be Fooled by Momentary Defeat - Pressing on to Victory (Popularity: )
My wife told me of an event that occurred at a under eight's netball game. The little girl in the Goal Keeper's position fell over at an early stage in the game, and her disappointment or embarrassment caused her to require quite a bit of consoling before she was able to take her effective place in the game -- fortunately, the ball was down the other end most of this ...

Dream Achievement process - a unique way to achieve your goals (Popularity: )
"Your ability to set goals is the master skill of success. Goals unlock your positive mind and release ideas and energy for goal attainment. Without goals, you simply drift and flow on the currents of life. With goals, you fly like an arrow, straight and true to your target." Brian Tracey Goal setting statistics Here's some research on the effectiveness of goal setting: In 1953, Yale's graduating seniors were surveyed to determine ...

Fear Is The Mind Killer (Popularity: )
Fear. In the words of a sci-fi film, "Fear is the mind killer. There is nothing to fear, but fear itself!" Anyone remember the film? It was "Dune". It has often been said the fear we feel when attempting something new, is the fear of failure, of rejection, or of appearing foolish. It might not be a life-threatening fear, but it has been with us for as long as we can remember. As children, ...

Give Or Take? (Popularity: )
The world would be a perfect place if each of us were granted the opportunity to work at our dream job and make a monthly six figure salary. I am sure that given those circumstances most people would pour themselves passionately into the job, performing according to elevated standards of excellence resulting from a self-motivated outlook. But the reality is quite different for most XXI Century professionals. Very few are able ...

How Many Sperm Were In The Race? (Popularity: )
Do you know how many sperm were in the race when you were conceived? Do you know how many blood cells run in your veins? How many raindrops fall from a cloud? How many fish swim in the ocean? How many waves dance on the surface of the sea? Why there are millions of galaxies and billions of stars? We are surrounded by unlimited abundance. William Blake once said: "If the ...

Jefferson Davis - From Bridegroom to Widower in 89 Days - "From Kentucky Log Cabin to the Capitol" (Popularity: )
The public is well aware that Jefferson F. Davis was President of the Confederate States of America. This article is one of a series of articles from a forthcoming book "Jefferson Davis-a Memoir" and the article series "From a Kentucky Log Cabin to the Capitol" which will share "the rest of the story" of who Jefferson Davis was, what he stood for, and includes his wide range of accomplishments. This ...

Keep on keeping on! (Popularity: )
We all have felt at times like if the world crumbled upon ourselves. We've felt in a hole, a dark bit of reality, caused by negative feelings. It can be disappointments, bad news, a difficult moment in a relationship, failures, you name it. At those times we don't really know the way out. We only know it's necessary to get out, for our own sake (the realisation can come after a ...