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Goodfinding Issue Five - Believe It And You Will See It (Popularity: )
Good For One And All. Wayne Dyer and others have helped us to realize that "If you believe it you will see it," pointing to the creative power of belief and intention. With this in mind, we do well to ask ourselves, "What do I believe?" You may think you know, yet the most powerful beliefs are often unconscious. Stretch yourself a bit with beliefs like, "I am a magnificent ...

Unique Approach to Voting During The Upcoming Election (Popularity: )
Decisions, decisions! Here comes another election. You know it’s getting close when you get the sample ballot in the mail. And of course there are the signs in the yards, the newspaper ads, and direct mailings. Another indication that the election is near is the amount of TV and radio advertising and the intensity of the messages. More of the ads seem to be negative the closer to Election Day. Those ...

All Geniuses are Nerds; Not So! (Popularity: )
So often we mistakenly assume in our society that geniuses are clumsy, ugly and socially inept. We often tend to label these folks perhaps so we can feel good about ourselves, yet the reality is that generally geniuses or extremely high IQ people have above average looks (defined as being more symmetrical) and are socially fine. They are rarely clumsy. Even more interesting; geniuses are not simply high IQ people, as ...

Key Points in Expanding Your Awareness (Popularity: )
Your initial awareness comes from the five senses. . . as well as, from your reasoning, knowledge and logic. There is also the awareness you acquire from your experiences in this lifetime. Beyond your normal awareness is a more subtle awareness, a subtle perception of how things are, what you should do, where you should be, and such. The promptings of your subtle perception are not necessarily obvious to your conscious mind. Here’s the ...

Easy Invention Ideas - How To Have Them (Popularity: )
Want easy invention ideas? Dreaming up new products and inventions is fun, and it can be easy too. Try the following two techniques and soon you'll have a list of new ideas. Easy Invention Ideas - Start With What's There One of the easiest ways to create new ideas for inventions is to look at what already exists and find a way to make it better. You can start with things in ...

Think Tank Topics and Many Things Considered (Popularity: )
Think tanks are not for everyone, they are for the intellectually strong. Think Tanks are for people who think outside the box, in the box in and around the box. Not everything Think Tank is suitable for every super intellectual, and those that have the minds and abilities to help lead the human race need to be sure they are with a think tank that is looking for solutions and ...

What Innovation Can Do to Your Life (Popularity: )
It's a talent that everyone has, yet they think they don't. The power of innovation. If you've ever marvelled at somebody's creative prowess, guess what, you can create and innovate too. It just takes time. Everyone is born creative. The box of crayons in kindergarten were not limited to those who possessed potential; because the truth is, everybody has potential. You know how long it took to learn to ride a ...

Occam’s Razor Offers a 700 Year Old Rule of Great Import to Modern Inventors (Popularity: )
Most of us are familiar with the colloquial term “keep it simple stupid” or KISS. The phrase, often used derisively to pan a complex over-analysis of a problem, is part of the current idiom. The assumption that simplicity is the preferred route to successfully discovering the answer to a particularly complex problem is actually grounded on a 700-year old philosophical theorem: Occam’s Razor. William of Occam was a 14th century Franciscan ...

Top 35 Idea Quotations (Popularity: )
What is an idea? Use these quotes from famous people to think about what ideas are and how to get them. 1. “An idea is nothing more or less than a new combination of old elements.” - Jack Foster 2. “Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.” – Napoleon Hill 3. “The ability to make big leaps of thought is a common denominator among the ...

A Spiritual Hangover is Shaking Up Everything You Ever Trusted (Popularity: )
Everyday Life is Askew in Every Possible Way Anymore Everybody is being thrown off balance these days - tossed back and forth between what's familiar and something that makes no sense at all. I call this widespread disorientation a Spiritual Hangover because your very footing is unstable. Behind it is a surge of unfamiliar energy. It shakes the cobwebs loose in your brain. First it knocks you out of your "tried and ...