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Least Known Secret of Success (Popularity: )
There are a lot of theories and success secrets out there. The most famous ones are 'You have to know what you want', ' goal setting is the key', ' you must have a positive mental attitude'. But one of the least known secret of success, sometimes not even the successful people realizing it, is the ability to take Personal Initiative, to take action. Andrew Carnegie, the richest man in the ...

3 Tips to Getting From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be (Popularity: )
Realize this, you don't have to be good to start, you have to start to be good. So don't worry about limitation in skills....you will acquire it as you go along. I never see myself as having limiting skills even though I do have limited formal education, so no worries in that area. I do not know how much you like been a businessman/woman. But I believe that working on your strength ...

Increase Success in Life by Increasing Quality (Popularity: )
Who wouldn't like to be more successful? However you measure success, whether in money or friends or the size of the flowers in your garden, more is usually better. More money is especially nice. But there is the clue. Rather than spending your efforts on the more, spend them on the better. The common way to achieve more is to work harder: longer hours, faster weeding, doing extra favors. The problem ...

Success in Life and How to Achieve It (Popularity: )
First things first. What is YOUR definition of "success"? What determines whether or not someone is successful in your eyes? For some people it is having a lot of money, for others it may be having the time freedom to play golf once a week, and for others it may be raising their children to be "good people" or having a large group of close friends. For every one of us, ...

Self Talk Yourself to a New Life (Popularity: )
Self-talk is what we all do in relating to ourselves. It is all the things we say to ourselves about ourselves, as well as all the things we talk ourselves into and talk ourselves out of. It convinces us we are right when wrong and wrong when right. Self-talk has tremendous power over our lives; it makes us what we are and who we are, making us failures or successors. ...

Success and the Life You Deserve - How to Achieve Your Dreams and Goals to Change Your Life Forever (Popularity: )
Success is a very personal thing. Can you remember when you first thought about becoming successful in your own life? Perhaps it had to do with a job, a relationship, or achieving a goal in a sport you were participating in. No matter what the reason, the feeling of success most likely stood out prominently in your mind. Over the years we tend to allow situations and other people stand in ...

How You Can Reverse Your Emotions of Failure (Popularity: )
Did you recognize the added word in there? How you can reverse your emotion of failure. You see we deal with emotions and there's nothing wrong with it but it can work against you if not controlled. Emotions is what makes you do something, that motivation that push, it makes you feel happy, sad, down, upbeat, low, joyful... did you recognize the interaction between those, they give of different emotion when heard ...

Success and the Life You Deserve - How to Achieve Your Dreams and Goals to Change Your Life Forever (Popularity: )
Success is a very personal thing. Can you remember when you first thought about becoming successful in your own life? Perhaps it had to do with a job, a relationship, or achieving a goal in a sport you were participating in. No matter what the reason, the feeling of success most likely stood out prominently in your mind. Over the years we tend to allow situations and other people stand in ...

How You Can Reverse Your Emotions of Failure (Popularity: )
Did you recognize the added word in there? How you can reverse your emotion of failure. You see we deal with emotions and there's nothing wrong with it but it can work against you if not controlled. Emotions is what makes you do something, that motivation that push, it makes you feel happy, sad, down, upbeat, low, joyful... did you recognize the interaction between those, they give of different emotion when heard ...

Change Your Self Image For Greater Success (Popularity: )
One of the key elements of living beyond recovery is to achieve more success in our life. Whether you focus on your career, your finances, your relationships, or other areas, does not matter. The bottom line is that in order to increase success you must change your self-image. Let's face it, out there we had either a very poor self-image or none at all. I remember feeling very insecure. The sense ...