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Ecological habitat survey benefits a Business

         Views: 2502
2011-01-23 01:16:34     
Article by brendarosenthal

If you are planning to buy a piece of land or a property, develop a building or construction at a site near pond or an area near country wildlife site, then getting ecological survey done in prior can save you a huge money. Due to Biodiversity and strict wildlife legislation it has become mandatory for any development to not disturb the lawfully protected wildlife habitats. To hire an experienced ecology consultancy can help you in undertaking the ecological habitat survey effectively.

Phase 1 habitat survey, also called Eco phase 1, habitat survey or wild life survey, is the industry standard for ecologist mapping British habitats. Phase 1 habitat survey involves an ecological assessment of the area i.e. study, identification and mapping of the animals, plant species, wild habitats present on the development site or area. During site observation a report is prepared showing the important types of species like rare plants, animals, or ancient hedgerows present on the area. This ecological assessment report is prepared according to Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) standard of Phase 1 habitat classification.

Generally the Phase 1 habitat survey can be carried out at any time of the year, although the duration between spring season and summer season is considered the most suitable to assess and identify the type of vegetation and its special characteristics. If more detailed report is required, special for type of vegetation than there are some ecology consultancy which provide Extended Phase 1 habitat surveys.

An Extended Phase 1 habitat survey involves more detailed habitat survey in comparison to standard Phase 1 habitat survey. It is based on phase 1 habitat survey report or collects the detailed ecological assessment reports from local provide and undertake an assessment of the site for finding evidences of the natural habitat protected under UK legislation. Such type survey also are the best source to obtain advice for requirement of conducting any additional surveys or tips on what to be done if the protect species such as Bats, reptiles, Water voles, Birds, Trees, etc. are found on the development site.

Extended phase 1 habitat survey can be conducted during any period of the year. It is advisable to get the habitat survey done at the planning phase of your development project, as incase if you do not carry the survey and make the investment, at later development stage you may receive a letter from the legislation to carry on the survey and just think is the report includes the presences of protected wildlife than it can become cost effective and postpone your development plans.

The best way to remove such possible legal obstacles and streamline your business plan, you may contact the licensed ecology consultancy and get the right advice to conduct a habitat survey on right time. As the phrase goes “Precaution is better than cure”, you have to be cautious and well informed before giving shape to your plans. This will definitely benefit you in framing the schedules and efficiently implement your development project.

Specialized in: Phase 1 Habitat Survey - Extended Habitat Survey - Habitat Survey - Ecology Consultancy
URL: http://www.southernecologicalsolutions.co.uk/
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