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Pastor Benny Hinn: the Epitome of Belief

         Views: 1973
2011-01-22 01:48:42     
Article by Benny hinn ministries

Pastor Benny Hinn, the noted evangelist, is known for the awe inspiring nature of his belief in God. The way he rests his belief in God is simply amazing. He preaches that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and it is the revelation of God to mankind. He says the Bible is the infallible rule of faith and conduct, and it is the highest book of dignity. The man who follows the words of Bible follows the path of God himself, says the celebrated religious leader.

Throughout his life and career of 32 years, Pastor Benny Hinn has been a believer; he’s devoted his life to make people believe in the words of God, and he had nothing to gain or lose. All he wanted is the ultimate wisdom and peace for the people. He knows the fallen people are in constant peril and they are always struggling within themselves. Benny Hinn urged the Christians to believe in the Bible. He voiced the words from the Bible and reminds the people that nothing is new under the sun and mankind can get all the answers to their questions in the chapters of Bible.

Pastor Benny Hinn urged the people to read through the Bible. He inspired the people to read the Bible line-by-line and scripture-by-scripture. He wanted the Christians to know and understand the Bible by heart. Benny Hinn reminds human beings that God has creted human being in His own image but we, the humans choose to digress from God’s path on our own will. He reminds people that this was where we were separated from God, and if we want redemption we must follow path of God that comes through his son, Jesus Christ.

Pastor Benny Hinn is committed to his beliefs and preaches the glorious Gospel of Christ. He believes in the ultimate human redemption and attempts to awaken the hearts of people regarding the mighty and miraculous power of the Holy Spirit.

Specialized in: Benny Hinn - Pastor Benny Hinn
URL: http://www.bennyhinnnetwork.com
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