2010-07-07 09:07:05
Article by Matthew J Hodgson |
It is advisable that you wake up early in the morning, preferably between 5:30 am and 8:30 am in the morning. You could consume your first meal, which is your breakfast, anywhere between 5:30 am and 8:30 am in the morning. Your breakfast could start with 3 tablespoons of rice protein powder from any popular brand. This powder can be consumed by adding it to a solution of 8 ounces of almond milk and another 8 ounces of soy milk.
This can be followed by around half a cup of frozen mango or strawberries. You can provide your stomach with its necessary does of healthy and essential fats, by drinking a tablespoon full of coconut oil. Finally, you could wrap up your breakfast with a multi vitamin tablet and a couple of mineral supplements.
After 2 or 3 hours of your first meal, which is your breakfast, you are now ready for the second meal of your day. This meal is basically had at mid-afternoon time and is often called a brunch, because it's neither breakfast nor lunch, but somewhere mid-way and hence, brunch. You could have 1 cup of dry fruits, comprising of around half a cup of almonds, and another half a cup of raisins. This can be very filling.
Wait it out another 2 or 3 hours, and you are now fully ready for your next major meal of the day, which is your lunch. For lunch you are free to have two entire burgers, with the breads used being whole wheat breads. You could load them with a combination of raw and boiled veggies and sprouts, seasoned with vinegar, lemon and olive oil, for your required dose of essential healthy fats.
It's after this meal that your body is basically ready for heavy work outs, such as those performed in body building work out sessions. Once, you have returned from your body building work out session, and starting from 2 hours after your lunch session, you are now ready for your post-work out meal. In this meal, you could have 3 scoops of rice protein powder, along with 8 ounces of oat milk or rice milk. It's a great idea to consume 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil along with a frozen fruit, if you are still hungry.
Finally, the fifth and the last meal of your day, can be consumed in anywhere from 2, 3 or 4 hours after your post work out meal. In this meal, you could go for assorted mixed raw veggie salad coupled with tablespoon of olive oil or one avocado. To add to this, you could have one whole cup of lentils steamed with squash, carrots, beetroot, cabbage, tomatoes, onion, mushrooms and some tofu. Of course, make sure that you add one teaspoonful of olive oil to this mix too. If you are still hungry, add a cup of quinoa. You could additionally have a pear or apple. Finally, you could wrap this meal with a little dark chocolate at dessert, or a couple of ginger cookies. Want more? Wrap it up with a glass of red wine.
If you feel hungry again late night, grab a sandwich of peanut butter or almond butter. Finally, wrap it of with a cup of berries and hit the bed.
Matthew J Hodgson. Matthew invites you to subscribe to his daily e-letters on how to build muscle in the shortest of times. When you subscribe to http://blastoffbodybuilding.com, you will be sent a free E-Book on how to build muscle fast and as a bonus you will be sent 5 days a week extra free information on how to build muscle. Matthew will cover every aspect of body building, so that you can go from lean to herculean faster than ever before.
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