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Dig Deep Down Inside and Believe

         Views: 1921
2006-09-22 22:07:59     
Article by Michael Lee

Are you serious in becoming successful? Then listen closely.

People fail to achieve what they want because they don't feel that they deserve it. They might be doing all sorts of self-improvement stuffs (visualizations, affirmations, etc.), but they can never succeed unless they truly believe that they are capable of attaining their desires and that they deserve the success they long for.

If you keep on working hard, but deep inside you're saying, "This is impossible to finish" or "There is nothing more I can get from my efforts," then you're sabotaging your dreams.

You've got to fully believe in your heart and mind that you will ultimately get what you want, in order to attract the thing you desire.

And of course, nothing beats the power of inspired, "get-out-of-your-comfort-zone" action.

I know some people who just takes whatever life has to give them. They watch TV, spread gossips, gamble, and oftentimes just sit in their comfy sofa doing nothing. I felt out-of-place as I joined them one time with a book on my hand. They despise knowledge and improvement. According to them, they just want to "enjoy" life.

What a waste of time and life! I wouldn't want to die someday accomplishing nothing. It's better to work super hard and die with a sense of achievement and contribution to society, than to have done nothing at all while still alive.

Don't just stay in your comfort zone. Explore the limitless possibilities that life has to offer. Believe that you can do it, and just do it!

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