2009-11-24 06:43:02
Article by Luis Eduardo |
Losing weight can be a difficult challenge for a lot of people. Weight loss is something that should not be taken lightly because it indeed is one of the hardest challenges a person will ever face. It requires discipline and self-control over your exercise schedule and what you eat. Never the less, getting a flat stomach is very possible. The best and fastest way to get a toned stomach is to have a workout program that involves super-set training and interval training. These two workout methods will give you the results you want in the shortest time possible.
Super-set workouts will tone your body if you learn to combine them correctly. The best way to combine a super-set workout is to combine upper body exercises with lower body exercises. When you do this you allow yourself to get a total body workout. The great thing about super-sets is that they are perfect if you have a busy schedule to follow. Your typical workout will last about 20 minutes then you can either go and do cardio or get out of the gym.
If you decide to do cardio then the workout you must do is interval training. Interval training will give you what you need in a short amount of time. A typical interval workout will only go for about 20 minutes. It is always best to do intervals on a treadmill because this will ensure that you are able to monitor your time and speed. The perfect interval session will have a total of 6 intervals, no more, no less.
As you well see, you can have a total body workout in the span of 40 minutes. The awesome thing about this is that you only need 3 workouts a week to start seeing results.
Luis is a lifelong health and fitness expert. He has been writing articles for over a year. Luis recently published a new website where you can find any Jimi Hendrix poster you want. For more information please visit our website.
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