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Basics About Acne

         Views: 2623
2009-06-24 07:20:31     
Article by Adam Ali

All adults at one point or another in their lives are bound to experience acne. Some have it during their adolescent stage, while others start suffering from it way into their adult lives. Here, we will take a brief look at what acne is, what its causes are and if there are really any harmful effects resulting from this skin condition.

Before delving deeper into the negative effects of acne, let us first take a quick look at its basics. Acne is actually a skin condition which occurs due to an overproduction of oil or sebum in skin glands.

Over the years, a lot of myths about acne have been making the rounds. One of the common misconceptions is that acne is caused by dirt, which is not true at all. In reality, it's the overproduction of oil or sebum in the glands which cause acne. Once the oil is trapped in the pores of the skin, it usually leads to whiteheads, blackheads or acne lesions.

Aside from extra sebum production, there are other factors which come into play when it comes to the causes of acne. This includes one's genes, hormones, diet, stress, vitamin-deficiency, and even a change in weather.

Now that you already have a basic knowledge of what causes acne, what do you think are the most effective treatments which are available in the market today? One way is to pick over-the-counter products which contain Benzoyl Peroxide. What these anti-acne products do is kill the bacteria which cause pimples to appear. Oral medications, creams, treated facial washes, gels - there are a lot of products that you can choose from in the market - you just need to select which one works best for you.

Perhaps one of the most common fears that people have when developing acne is the possibility of scars appearing on the face. This is a definite possibility - which is exactly the reason why acne should be treated the minute that they start appearing on your skin.

In addition, acne is a skin condition that should be treated as soon as possible, because it can have a serious damage to one's self-esteem if it remains for a prolonged period. At the end of the day, acne treatment is something that you should be doing not just because it will prevent the development of scars - but it will also resolve any issues that you may have within yourself about your appearance - and how other people look at you

To be safe, you should consume vitamins for acne prevention in the long run. Vitamin B5 acne pills are very helpful if you have dry skin and don't want to use benzoyl peroxide.

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URL: http://www.acne-vitamins.com
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