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Mutual Funds Investing Ideas

         Views: 2242
2008-11-04 06:13:23     
Article by Dilip V Mohan

Are you someone who is worried about where to invest your hard-earned money? Do you need ideas for investing? If you ask me, I would suggest Mutual Funds - for they give better returns than banks and are considerably less risky than stocks. For investing in mutual funds, consider the following points:

1. The first point before investing is to clearly identify what you need. Is it big returns or safety? Is it regular payments or aggressive growth? And so on..first prioritize your need. If it is still not clear, then consider various factors around you.

a. If your age is somewhere between 18 and 35 then you should look to be more aggressive and go for growth and big returns (for you have a long career to earn money..so choose more risky options)
b. If you are over 50 years old, then you must look to secure your regular source of income, so you should look for safer investments that will ensure payments regularly.
c. If you lie between 35 and 50 then you should go for specific needs that depend on various situations (like your children's education, your various other needs like a new vehicle, new house etc.) around you.

2. Once you have identified what your investment should give you, look out for the plans that best suit your objective. For the youngsters, there are various funds like emerging market funds, small cap funds etc., and for people who are over 50 there are options that pay dividends regularly and those that invest in government securities only and for the others there are various schemes like tax savers, education supporters etc.

3. After you are through with the second step, you must decide on a portfolio (or a mutual fund that provides a similar portfolio) to invest your money in. You must be a little careful in this step and choose the best and the safe ones. You must make sure that the portfolio is in line with your objectives and will be able to cater to your needs all the time.

Once you have invested in the right fund, then you can reap the rewards from it. But the real catch lies on selecting the appropriate funds. To know more about choosing a mutual fund visit Investing in Mutual Funds and to know their basics visit How Mutual Funds Work.

Specialized in: Mutual Funds - Investing Ideas
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