2008-07-29 07:09:46
Article by Lance Winslow |
There has been a little bit of debate out on the Internet about the issue of lack of substantive information about green construction and eco-friendly building materials. Indeed, I agree that there is not enough information about efficient eco-friendly construction, but I have seen a lot of local seminars at Community Colleges, SCORE, Chambers, Cities, and Universities in the last 6-months.
The unions are also getting involved because they of course wish to be the ones certified to build this stuff. Tilt up industrial buildings, downtown facades and such have come a long way in the past 8-years.
It is a better way to build things, but it also has its critics. One group, ELF - "environmental liberator front," terrorists, burned down some luxury homes in Washington State saying they were hurting the environment when actually they were the latest in eco-building technology and LEED.
Now there is a group saying that concrete hurts rivers when they dredge for silt, causes too much CO2 during processing of cement and therefore is not eco-friendly. Still if you cut down a tree that removes CO2 from the atmosphere you are stealing nature's way of cleaning the air, so there is that side of the coin.
Of course the environmentalists do not want that either, they'd just like everything to stop. I always suggest that they remove themselves from the planet if that's their answer to save the world from all their CO2 footprint and leave the rest of us alone. I guess it's too bad I am not an environmentalist, because I could certainly put out a good chunk of information on the residential home building eco-friendly things.
Environmentalists have caused me more stress in my life than even lawyers or ignorant regulators. I believe the Sierra Club to act like a terrorist organization to the construction industry at times, at least their tactics and lawsuits certainly appear that way. And I know that the ELF type groups out there actually are terrorist groups, and the FBI has them on watch lists.
Maybe if the construction industry had more relevant content on the Internet folks would see just how much they are actually doing out there? And then maybe folks would actually move towards the side of reason and reject groups like ELF and demand justice for their dastardly deeds?
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