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How To Use A French Coffee Press

         Views: 2733
2008-06-02 06:55:51     
Article by Atica Brewton

Auto-drip coffee makers may be more convenient, but the French coffee press is unmatched in flavor and design. The press makes a thicker, stronger coffee than conventional brewers because the coffee's essential oils aren't caught in a filter or lost in the filtration system. Below I will explain how to use a coffee press.

1. You should use coarsely ground roasted coffee beans. A burr mill grinder is recommended because it gives a more consistent grind than blade grinders. The ground coffee should be coarser than that used in an auto-drip machine. If your coffee is too finely ground it won't get caught in the filter and will make it more difficult to depress the plunger.

2. Boil your water before you start grinding the beans. The water will be allowed to cool to the appropriate temperature and won't scald your coffee grounds. The temperature of the water should be 195-205° F. To insure the best tasting results, use filtered water.

3. Place the coffee grounds into the coffee press carafe. You should use 1 to 2 tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee per 8 oz of water. You may have to experiment with the amount of coffee in order to achieve your desired taste.

4. Slowly pour the hot water over the coffee grounds. You may gently stir the water with a plastic or wooden spoon. This will cause most of the floating coffee to sink to the bottom of the coffee press.

5. Replace the lid and plunger unit with the filter raised to the top. Allow the coffee to brew for 3 to 5 minutes. The longer the brewing time, the stronger the coffee.

6. Depress the plunger slowly and gently.

7. Pour the coffee slowly into a coffee cup. Let it set for a minute to allow the sediment to
settle to the bottom.

8. Don't let the coffee sit in the coffee press after it has completed brewing. The coffee will continue to brew, causing it to become bitter. If you are not serving all of it at once, pour the remaining coffee into a thermos.

I hope these instructions on how to use a coffee press have been helpful. Many coffee lovers swear by the superior flavor the coffee press provides. It produces the most rich, full bodied coffee to be tasted. They are affordable and easy to use. The brewing process is a little more involved, but the results are worth it. The intense flavor and smooth taste make the coffee press unbeatable.

The author's website Coffee Addict Cafe features coffee press news, reviews and instructions.

Specialized in: Use - French Coffee
URL: http://coffeeaddictcafe.blogspot.com
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