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Getting Rich With Personal Power What Are You Thinking?

         Views: 2243
2008-01-02 04:53:43     
Article by Tony Laufenberg

You made a decision, you desire is to change your life, maybe a little, maybe a lot, it doesn't matter, you are going to change and whether you know it or not, your decision just had a profound impact on the whole universe! From your spouse, kids, family, closest friends and someone clear across the world, we, you and I are connected by our thoughts.

You've all heard "you get what you think about" well it's true, Your Thoughts Create Your Life! Once you understand this and imbed it in your subconscious, you will pay attention to your thoughts and start to see changes in your life, sometimes right away! These changes can be good or bad depending on what your thinking. Now that you know this, you will guard thoughts. Thinking is the hardest thing we will ever do. To think thoughts from what we see on the outside is not thinking. You must think thoughts from the inside, what is it you desire to see on the outside-that is thinking, and that is the hardest thing to do according to Wallace Wattles in his book, "The Science of Getting Rich" The Good news is, you will get good at this and be amazed as things start to show up from your thoughts. You will start to recognize the little things and when you do, you will feel immense gratitude toward your God or Source!

Now I know we all have off days, everyone does. It is a part of life. I think it was President Nixon who said," You can't experience the magnificence of the mountain without experiencing the depths of the valleys" If we didn't have low times we wouldn't know what high times were like. When your feeling down, know that better days are coming.

I also believe in affirmations. I have this posted above my computer. Good things happen to me everyday, I expect miracles! I look for little things as I go through my day as well as larger things and I give thanks. I know it sometimes isn't easy, but if you try it it really works. It's like a staircase, as your life improves, your learning and growing and moving up. That is the riser in the staircase. You are feeling good! You then have an off day or some hard times, that is the step. Your not going backwards your at plateau or just taking a breather. Focus on better days and you will attract them. This is one of the seven laws of the universe, The Law of Rythm, The tide goes out the tide comes in. When your experiencing a downswing know that good times are coming, focus on those!

One more thing I learned, If you focus on a good experience from the past and hold that thought for approximately 68 seconds it will take you to better thought and so on. The better it gets the better it gets! That is from Esther and Jerry Hicks, "Ask and it is Given" Another great book. It also helps to look up at the ceiling or the sky, that puts your body in a happier grateful form.

Make it a Great Day!

Tony Laufenberg

P.S. I'm so happy and grateful your reading my Blog. I appreciate you! You can download your FREE e-book, "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles by signing in. This is the book that the movie "The Secret" is based on. Also keep reading my blog, I'll have more free stuff down the road. Thank you!


Tony laufenberg operates a blog called http://www.thepersonalpowersecretsofgettingrich.com In his site he talks about how you can attract into your life the things you want from studying a book called the "Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. Tony talks about differrent ways you can train yourself to feel better and also you can pick up the book "The Science of Getting Rich" for FREE.


Specialized in: Personal Power - Success - Get Rich - Secret - Manifest Desires - Intention - Thought - Science Of Getting Rich - Think And Grow Rich - Wallace Wattles - Subconscious Mind - Affirmations
URL: http://www.thepersonalpowersecretsofgettingrich.com
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